
Have you experienced the paranormal?

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tell me your story!

ghosts, noises anything you could not explain..




  1. I lived in an old mobile home that was not level and the cupboard doors would open and that was uphill. pots and pans would rattle around too. another haunted house i went to you could hear toy cars going back and forth across the floor upstairs but when you went up they were still.

  2. yes i have many times through out life, but im not going to write it again, instead look at my answer in, victoria ghosts exist and have you had a paranormal experience ?.....its just a few questions down from here...

  3. My 16 year old son has heard someone calling his name on about 4 occasions.  He was awake at the time and it scared him so much he wouldn't sleep in his room for a long time.  Later, my daughter-in-law spent the night with us.  She came out of her room and to the den where I was.  She asked me if I just knocked on her door and called her name.  It was a female voice and I was the only other female in the house.  I, of course, had not called her name and explained to her about my son having a male voice call his name with no explanation.  She won't spend the night here, now.  Also, I was sitting at the computer very late, after midnight, one night when I felt a pair of hands on top of my shoulders.  I thought it was my son and swiveled my chair around to ask what he was doing still awake.  No one was there.  I freaked out.  And, yes, I am of sound mind.

  4. once..i was working at a clinic 2 years ago and one co-worker told me the place was haunted (she could see and feel ghosts, but not able to communicate with them).  one day, during my last days at the clinic (i was transferring somewhere else), my co-worker told me that she felt like a ghost wanted to tell me something, but she didn't know what...i was skeptical....towards the end of that day, i was at the back room by myself looking out the window (no patients, windows closed, and everyone else were in the front office) when i heard something...i turned around and there was the lid of the trashcan moving back and forth (as if someone had thrown something into the trashcan)...i looked out the door and there was no air etc.... when i told this incident to my co-worker, she told me, "see, i told you a spirit was trying to reach you...that was a physical sign..." i guess this spirit wanted to tell my good bye since i was no longer going to be working at the clinic.........

  5. This is just one thing..and I don't know if you'd call it paranormal. Just scared the___ out of me!! I was talking to God (guess you 'd say kinda praying..only just talking) I said (not outloud)"God, I keep hearing 'yes and no' in my head. What are you trying to tell me??" Then I went to my bed, laid down, had the Bible in my lap. It fell open & I looked to where my index finger was and the verse my finger was on read,"The Lord does not answer 'yes and no', He only answers 'yes' ". I jumped out of bed and screamed, "This book's ALIVE!!" Scared me SO BAD !!!

  6. when i lived alone in my first apartment i went out for a couple hours just to come in and all the cabinets and  drawers were wide open in the kitchen and in bathroom  the shower curtain was down and laying in the tube  the door was locked and im the only one who had a key for it i guess it something no one can explain

  7. dont have enough space here to tell you everything.

  8. Working in a hospital that's over 115 years old, I've seen, mainly heard, many things that have freaked me out.

    For example, one night shift, myself and another nurse went to answer a call buzzer in the oldest part of the hospital. While we were waiting in hallway, I saw a 'shadow' at the end of the hall, then, both of us heard a clear 'smack' and then a baby clear as day.

    This area was the old maternity ward.

    Plus there's also the call buzzers going off in empty rooms, fire alarms that go off without reason, and unexplained drops in temperature in certain rooms.

    I'm sure there are reasonable explainations for some........but not all strange things............... ;-)

  9. I saw one of those "shadow people" look it up on google

  10. Nope.  Plenty of things like the people described - but if you go investigate instead of running away and assuming the worst, it always turns out to have a perfectly reasonable explanation.  I definitely suggest checking it out next time instead of panicking.

  11. i know this is hard to believe, but i saw my grand mother's ghost standing next to my bed the day she died in the hospital. i could barely see her because she was translucent, she appeared to be very blurry. i was only 10, i was to scared to recall the whole story. she didn't make any sound at all except the cool breeze i felt, i don't know if it was the wind blowing through the crack of the window or it was just grandma. I felt a shiver running down my spine, and she was gone by the time i opened my eyes again.

  12. i styarted 4 years ago ....talkin with spirits...then after i saw white noise i said to try it me and couple of friends and we did it with the guy that we used to talk on wiji bord everyday....and we managed to record his voice.....we were 3 girls in the room and a male voice was on the tape............i started cryin from happiness cos i realy feel close with this guy. i feel he is my gardian angel and he realy helped lots of times telling me what to do or whats happenin behind my back and everythin came out true.amazin ha?

  13. im not sure that this would classify, but one time (i forget where) i looked out at a lake at night. there were street lights on around the lake. i saw an angry face in the lake made by the reflection of the lights. i stared dumbfounded for like ten seconds then i blinked and rubbed my eyes and looked again to see if it was real but then i didnt see it anymore. not sure if that classifies but i thought it would answer the question.

  14. Yes I have. Of all types. To many to type. Some cool some not so cool.

  15. only one in the house at 2 am

    living room -all windows closed - airconditioning vent is in center of wall and blows to opposite wall

    in corner, vent side, a fake ficus tree is waving like in a 10 mph

    breeze -

    the a/c does not hit it

    went back to bed and locked bedroom door

  16. I moved into an old house. (I know it sounds cliche).

    I looked up from my dinner plate and saw a young hispanic teenager staring at me. He slid sideways into the wall without moving his feet and disappeared.

    Weeks later my sister interacted with him. He was standing at the top of the attic stairs. He reached his hand down to her and he had light emanating from his finger tips and the blackest eyes.

    In the same house I also saw a woman dressed in an old fashioned dress run through a wall. And I saw another woman in my room on the night I had my only out of body experience.

    The night I moved in I interacted with a man who possessed my body and caused me to be paralyzed for some time. I threatened him that I would move out and he would not be able to bother me. That's when he moved out of me.

    I am now an experienced paranormal investigator. You can find a short summary for me as a featured investigator on the website below.

  17. first id  like  you  to  join my  group  cause  i feel its right up  your  alley

    ive  had experiences   for  a  span of   15  -30 minutes  predicting  songs   to  be  played  on the  radio  from 4  different    stations  on  succession  it  was as if  i  was  the  d.j. of  the  entire   radio  reception

    please   check into  my  group  id  love  to  have you  be  a member   its  public  and  free

  18. No thanks to my darn curious, rational, naturalistic and investigative nature, nothing has ever seemed to be paranormal.  Darn it!

  19. i was walkind down my highschools gym and i saw something blurry sitting in the gyms bleachers. it was very blurry but you could see it and it made a scary sound  like a recently born kitten when they barely speak. i was traumatized

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