
Have you experinced the paranormal if so what happened?

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Have you experinced the paranormal if so what happened?




  1. One night around 3 in the morning i was thirsty so i was walking into my kitchen to grab a glass of water and as i was walking i noticed a small figure of a girl curled of in the corner where i keep my untensils, cutlery, and cleaning product, and she was cying and it kinda scared me to when i saw it i recoiled back and hit the light switch with my hand and then as the lights went on she was gone. And possibly the creepiest thing ever that made me believe there were ghosts and spirits is when i was 5 and lived in an old apartment in Toronto Ontario, and i remember saying something bad and my mom put me in my room and made it so I couldnt open the door (I usedt to just walk out so she would tie a rope from my door to the closet door on the outside) so as i sat on my bed someone started to whisper reall fast and then i stood up and looked back and something was holding some of my stuffed animals up and laughing and making fun of me and i screamed and yelled at the top of my lungs to get my moms attention and she came in and i bolted into our living room crying almost rivers of tears lol and she didnt believe me but to this day i still have experiences like that and ive been trying to keep a memory log of them.

  2. A bizzare voice came through the speakers of my stereo and said a few words when the power was off.  It scared the living c**p out of me.  My brother heard it in the other room and he couldn't understand but it made him run into the living room where I was and ask "what the h**l was that"?  He had no idea where it came from but for some reason it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. There is probably a rational explanation but it is wierd how it gave both of us the CREEPS

  3. I was reading in bed and a disembodied voice started whispering. It freaked me out and as soon as I looked around, it stopped. It happened several times in that house and hasn't happened since I moved. In the house I live in now, I see shadows outside the doorway of the media room, as if someone were walking by out of view, but there's no one else home. It is often accompanied by the creaking of footsteps. I'll check the house for intruders, but there's never anyone there.

  4. Well, the night my grandfather died (before i knew that he had passed) I had a dream and he was in it. I had visited him a week before and thought that maybe it was just my mind recalling the previous weekend, but then he waved and walked away. The next morning i found out he had passed away.

    Also my mother was once in the shower and was talking to my dead Nana. Nana told her not to wear her earrings out, and my mother answered back thinking it was my dad, but my dad had not said anything! Let it be said , she didn't wear the earrings, lol.

  5. Never

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