
Have you feel your life very stressful and you want to run away..??

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Have you feel your life very stressful and you want to run away..??




  1. Yeah life does very very stressful sometimes but i would never consider running away because then you cant sort everything out can you? =)

  2. yes all the time i wish i could run away now, but that won't help in solving any problems in fact they only get worse you have to face them head on

  3. yes, and i could never get away..

  4. Definitely. We have all felt this way, at least once in our lives. But we cannot do that. The best thing to do is to learn how to handle the situation and deal with it.

  5. Yes. Its the fight or flight reaction isnt it?

    I have vivid memories of staring at the moon, wishing I was anywhere but where I was at that point in time. Wishing I was doing anything else, with anyone else.

    I would love to run away from all this stress but I believe what you go through makes you who you are and it makes you stronger dealing with these things.

    Its easy to forget to appreciate what we have in our lives with all the stress but remember there are always people worse off than yourself!

  6. happened to me several times, but I don't give up easily. I do not runaway from my life, I live it, enjoy it whatever it is.

    why you are feeling down?

  7. Actually yes.

    When I was young I promised myself that I would be that person who lived life to the fullest, as an adventure.  The one who laughed and loved completely and lived passionately.  That I would never become just another zombie out there letting life grind me down.  I stopped and took time to enjoy life, I had fun and when I did something I gave it my everything, whether in love or life.

    But then life happens and you somehow end up living in the day to day grind, working all the time, trying to focus on the kids and your day to day tasks to distract you from how lonely you feel inside; how much you feel like your passion for life has to be sacrificed for your responsibilities and commitments.  Your partner who was supposed to fill the empty parts of your life and complete you now almost completely ignores you or when they don't fights with you, and for the most part you feel very unappreciated and frustrated.

    So yes, I have felt that way.

  8. Yup. I joined track and cross country.

  9. yup, i just want to pack my bags and say "have a nice life, i am outta here " to all around me....

  10. Yes all the time. I feel like I can never escape no matter how many times I DO run away.

  11. Doing it right now! Using the internet to distract me from a project I need to complete + an assignment! Pathetic I know! :) I'm shutting this thing down as soon as I post this answer! Happy Days!

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