
Have you finally seen the light, with Obama speech?

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Single mother (got it)

Struggling grandmother (got it)

Hardworking grandfather (got it)

What are HIS OWN accomplishments?

Every time they show snippets of his life, it's all about what his family did or did not do.

Where are all the real American people that OBAMA helped as a community organizer, or the senator of Illinois........

( you know: the once he took of the unemployment lines and all that fairytale stuff)

Why aren't we hearing from them?

Not Clinton's or the rest of the "Broken & Old" Washington insiders.......

Real people that Obama help & how much better their life's are, because of Obama?




  1. Did nothing in Illinois for 6 years. The Republicans controlled the Senate there.

    The last year #7 He owes any accomplishments to Emil Jones. The man that would make a US Senator, and he would be named Barrack Obama.

    Elected to the US Senate and has not even earned that paycheck. He has been on a self-promoting book tour and ran for President instead of doing the job he was elected to do. Voting present or not voting at all. When he did vote he sided with Pelosi and Reid 100% of the time. The people with the 9% approval rating.

  2. Yep....leaning toward McCain and I saw he light. His speech was incredible. I'm a woman and I realize that Obama-Biden is the vote for women. Voting for McCain because of his VP choice would be a step back rather than a step forward for women in the United States. Now I'll support Obama all the way.

  3. I saw the light years ago! You are the one refusing to let the light in. Obama has changed America already, and is about to change the world.

  4. I saw "the light" with Obama the first time I saw him speak. He will make all of us who have worked our rear ends off to succeed pay for all those who just want a FREE ride.

    When he taxes all "the rich" folk back into lower middle class or poverty, where will he/they get the money to run our country?  

    When he STEALS all the oil profits, will he go after the Google boys next? And then who...?  

    Washington does NOT produce anything -- it is the hard workers in America that PRODUCE. We deserve our RIGHT to be successful and spend OUR money how we see fit. Obama says we need to be our "brother's keeper", but his own brother is living in Africa in a hut only earning a dollar a month! Where is Obama's generosity? Is he only generous when it's coming out of the taxpayer's (our) pockets?

    Any woman (or person for that matter) should realize that a vote for Obama-Biden is NOT a vote that would be good for women, and even worse for America. What kind of woman would vote for Obama "because" of Sarah Palin? Isn't Sarah Palin the perfect example of what women are capable of accomplishing -- even against all odds? I would much rather have my daughters look to her and McCain as role models than someone who admires people like Bill Ayers, Tony Resco, and Rev. Wright.

    The point is to send people to Washington who will FIGHT corruption... NOT wallow in it at the expense of  American taxpayers and American entreprenuers.

    Please read the story of Davy Crockett.

    If you don't get that, you may want to talk to some folks who moved to America to get away from socialist governments.

  5. He showed us he has none what so ever.

  6. I'm still trying to figure out how his grandparents could have been struggling. While living on the beach in Hawaii, they were able to afford to send Barry to a private school. And, how broke could his mother have really been, if she was able to fly all over the world with her Islamic boyfriends?

  7. We aren't hearing from them because they're hidden away in the basement of Rev. Wrights church until after the election.

  8. What do want him to go find everybody hes help and put them on a stage and introduce them all? Just what do you want them to come over to your house and tell you all of their stories? The dumb questions a con will ask. What about McCain how many people have has he introduced to you and shown hows he's help them?TROLL

  9. ditto

  10. Proves the old saying "you can't sell out of an empty wagon". He's never acquired any inventory.

  11. The truth is, he hasn't done anything but talk about what he will do.

    He pays his female staff less than his comparable male staff. I knew he would never pick a woman.

    I think in his book he uses a disparaging word for his grandmother.

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