
Have you forgotten where you started getting where you are?

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Yahoo comic: F minus Aug 21, 2008




  1. I'm frigging 30 feet away. I live next door to where I started. How could I forget?

  2. nah

  3. Not at all. I've fully aware of where I came from, who I am, and why I developed into the person I am today. The ability to know, understand, and even embrace your roots is often the best way to develop your wings.

  4. The more I forget, the more I find myself there...

    funny, that.

  5. I knew I shouldn't have taken that turn at Albuquerque!!!

  6. No, moderately successful mediocrity kind of dogs you all along the way.

  7. ...not at all, ive been there too...

  8. has no u-turn

  9. Almost but I'm starting to remember again since I'm now going back to my old ways of getting what I want.

  10. I only wish I could...

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