
Have you found their to be more auto accidents because of cell phones?

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Have you found their to be more auto accidents because of cell phones?




  1. Such great advise from everyone.  Wish more people would have been interested in answering this questions.  Just goes to show you the statistics on how many care and how many are out driving and talking on their cell phones.  Love, honey

  2. Yes................

    APRIL 2008

    In the United States over 254 million people subscribed to such wireless communication devices as cell phones as of February 2008, compared with approximately 4.3 million in 1990, according to the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association.

    Increased reliance on cell phones has led to a rise in the number of people who use the devices while driving.

    There are two dangers associated with driving and cell-phone use, including text messaging.

    First, drivers must take their eyes off the road while dialing.

    Second, people can become so absorbed in their conversations that their ability to concentrate on the act of driving is severely impaired, jeopardizing the safety of vehicle occupants and pedestrians.

    Since the first law was passed in New York in 2001 banning hand-held cell-phone use while driving, there has been debate as to the exact nature and degree of hazard.

    The latest research shows that while using a cell phone when driving may not be the most dangerous distraction, because it is so prevalent it is by far the most common cause of this type of crash and near crash.

  3. I believe studies have shown that using the phone (even the headset) causes enough cognitive distraction to interfere with the ability to drive (can anyone verify this?), and it could be reasoned from this that the cell phone could be a factor in accidents. After the fact, however, it is very difficult to determine if cell phone use was a factor in a crash, because usually the reporting officer did not witness the event, and the drivers are obviously reluctant to admit having been using the phone in the car, even if it is legal in their community. As a result, in Tennessee, where cell phone use while operating the vehicle is still legal, a very small percentage of the crashes list cell phone use as a contributing factor.

  4. YES

    We just had a 16 years old boy die in a car wreck because he was playing with his phone.

    There were 3 more people in the car, but they survived.

    PARENTS - teach your kids driving safety and NOT to use cell phones, regardless of who is calling - AND ALWAYS ask drivers not to talk on phones if you are a passenger.

  5. I ride a mountain bike, and when I go to college I have notice mostly young women with cell phones pay little attention.  The same could be said for men, but they use them a little less.

  6. I drive a lot. Everytime I see something stupid happen, some one is always talking on a cell phone. It might be a good invention, but it does not belong in a car. I have said this before and I'll say it again, there should be something made right into the phone that shuts it off when you are in a moving car or truck or what ever. If you feel that you have to talk when in a car, STOP and go to rest area and talk.

  7. I've been hearing about more and more of them lately. A couple of months ago, a few miles from my home,  a girl was texting and veered into another lane and killed an elderly couple. In Arizona, a girl was texting and hit another vehicle, instantly killing them. She died the next day.  When her family and friends tried to have a law passed about no texting while you are driving, they told her "We have to many laws right now. We don't want to deal with another one." These are just cases in which they were texting.  I have heard of many many more in which they were "just talking" on their cell phones.  I was with my sister and her two babies one day when a stupid girl, who was talking on her cell phone, totally cut off my sister.  It was a really close call.   I was rear-ended two years ago- still have back trouble because of it- and I'm 90% sure the young man was talking on his cell phone.

    You want to know the funny thing? I was going to the store the other day and passed an on-duty cop- talking on his cell phone in heavy rush hour traffic.  Oh boy.

    So, yes, there are definitely more accidents because of cell phones.

  8. The more cell phone using, the more auto accidents. To reduce the accidents, decrease the use of cell phone :>

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