
Have you found your very own Warrior ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i am a warrior.

  2. Yep. Hope you have too.

  3. Yes I have :-)

  4. I am here to love you always darling Sir Philalot serving my maiden.  

  5. Not yet, still looking since you beat me to Sir Phil . . .Do you have any possible good rejects ? ? ?  = )   (just joking). . .absolute fan of you two . . . .Hey, that sounds like a good web site . . .YouTwo . . .LOL  =)

  6. Oh yes!

    But he went to Valhalla with his Valkyrie:(

    "Where the brave may live...forever."

    I lost him again but only for a while :)

  7. I hope so, I am getting very tired fighting alone.

  8. I've always been a Warrior. The armor and weapons in my avatar are real, and I know how to use them.

  9. We are all our own warriors, some lucky enough to find a kindred spirit of sorts.  To answer, yes.

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