
Have you found yourself?

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Have you found your calling and how long did it take you to find it? I don't know who I am yet, and it bothers me!




  1. relax you will know who you are when the time comes i mean im 15 and at 14 i knew my calling ... not a lot of people don't know who they are at my age so it varies

  2. Yea, I was behind the fridge. My calling? Yea, I was behind the fridge looking for my phone.  

  3. I searched for myself for many years until I finally discovered that I was right here all the time.

  4. YES! I finally found myself! It took a very long time.  But to be honest with you, I think it all started with me getting rid of any and all negativity out of my life.  I use to talk to myself in the most negative way, and I changed that.  Once all the negativity was gone ( and this takes time, it will not happen overnight ) I found my happiness shining inside of me. It had been there all along, but I was burying it with that negativity, anger, fear, etc....  I now have an appreciation of my life, and all the wonderful people and things I am blessed with each day.  I have a wonderful attitude, and wake each morning thanking God that I will get to experience this day.

    I cannot tell you how you will find yourself.  I think it happens in different ways for people.  But I just know getting rid of the negativity has changed my life.  It was the concept of changing the way I think in my mind, and it SET ME FREE!  I have the most wonderful happiness that I have never experienced in my life ( of 30 years! ) and I really wish and hope others can feel this way.  

    I think the best way for you to begin your journey.... is to start looking on the inside of yourself.  You are not the job you have, the car you drive, or even your physical outside body that people see. You are a person on the inside, and you need to start exploring that to find yourself.  I suggest a wonderful book to you called, Transformers.  It is talking about the fight between our outside world ( our ego ) and the inside world ( our soul ).  Someone gave me this book a few years ago, and I bet I read about a third of it... but it meant nothing.  Now that I am in this new place, it means everything, and helps me understand more of who I am and what I am made of.  

    Thanks for reading!

  5. Don't worry, It will take time. It took me 31 years and I'm still trying.

  6. I have known what I wanted to do with my life since I was just a kid. Right now I'm just trying to work hard to get into that career and I'm setting little goals for myself along the way.

    You'll find your calling soon! Good luck. :)

  7. I'm at the point when I'm not sure yet, so basically, not really.

  8. It is real simple.  You go to some beach and find a nice place in the sand above the waves and you sit down and draw a circle around yourself.  Then you say, while looking at the beautiful ocean, every thing within this circle is me, and every thing outside of it is not me.  You sit there for a while and enjoy the ocean.  Then you stand up and take the circle with you the rest of your life.  And when someone tells you what you should be or what you should look like, or what you should say and do, remember that they are outside of the circle and not you.

    I should add that beaches are optional.  If you live in Kansas and beaches are a bit difficult to get to, you can sit in your back yard and do the same thing.

  9. Yes I have.

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