
Have you got a moto for life?

by  |  earlier

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mines "life is short, its up to u to make it sweet"




  1. Good question!  I have one which I love, but I can never keep to it - 'Don't regret a thing' - I regret loads of stuff, but I like the idea that there really is no point in regretting anything that's already happened.  Gotta move on!!

  2. start as you mean to go on

  3. That's good, I follow a classic: live life everyday as though it's your last as their is no guarantee your going to live a single moment longer.

    Which is true, I mean, forget looking 'cool', when your dead that won't help you

  4. 'Two men looked out from prison bars

    One saw the mud the other saw the stars

  5. well its not so much for life.. its for running... but running is my life... so here goes ne way

    "i dont wanna win unless i know i've done my best... and the only way i know how to do that is, if i run flat out until i have nothing left!!!"

  6. I have a personal motto, and my family has had a "family moot" for generations....

    My personal motto:  Live Life on Purpose.....

    Family motto:  Onward and Upward......

  7. It's around my neck each day I go to work, but it's in my pocket at the end of the month.

  8. today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday  (and all is well)

  9. I got 2

    If you tried and failed, then quit and get counselling.


    Say what you mean, and mean what you say

  10. mine is, S**t motos make me sick!

  11. " if u want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to ppl or things"

    i like this bcuz it's so true! bcuz sometimes when i feel really down and want to do something bad, my goals always remind me dat there's still something dat i have to achieve and if i choose to do the bad thing then i will lose wat i really want! and if a person has a goal then dat person is less likely to do something bad dat can ruin their life and they noe wat they're living for!

    goals can never be gone forever, they will always stay alive with u as long as u still want them. but ppl or things can be gone forever. when u tie ur life to a person then when dat person dies, u will feel really  bad and dont noe wat ur living bcuz the person dat u were living for is now gone 4ever. and the same things can happen to the things dat u tie ur life to. bcuz things can be lost forever!

  12. hang in there and make lemonade..

  13. Live and Let Live.

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