
Have you got a spare cigarette mate?

by  |  earlier

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Perhaps you should just have a packet on you at all times, even if you don't smoke?

What is this world coming to?




  1. When I used to smoke and got asked this question regularly, my reply was always the same... Nope, none going spare, they're all going to be smoked.

  2. Yahoo Answers isn't a message board.

  3. Yeah sure, here you go - you owe me one though!!

    EDIT: Actually, I don't give them out to random people, only mates. Stories like that make me sick frankly.

  4. A guy asked me once for 10p to buy a cup of tea. I said that if he could find somewhere that sold tea for 10p I would buy him 2 cups. All I got was a mouthfull of foul language back !

  5. yikes, disturbing but unfortunately not all that surprising.

  6. Nearly happened to me once with some filthy chavs in Glasgow.  

  7. OMG!! how shocking.

    There was a guy not far from me stabbed (not serious thank god) because he wouldn't give some scum a bottle of Brown Ale.

  8. I was asked for a light off some little 15 year old upstart, who shouted across a busy road to me whilst i had my ipod on.  Of course I didnt hear her and when I crossed over she asked me why i was ignoring her and who the **** I thought I was ( I had never seen her before in my life)

    I turned round and asked her who the eff she was talking to.  She and her pals started on about me not having a light.  I stood my ground and made her look like an **** in front of her friends.  She was just a little upstart though.  I am lucky she was so ashamed at being called out in front of her friends rather than making sure she proved a point.

    To be fair I was having a bad day and I just thought who the eff is she to be starting on me for not having a lighter

  9. i think you will find that even if he had a cigarette they would have still jumped him... just looking for an excuse

  10. maybe i should start to carry a pack around... gets u thinking

  11. I don't smoke honey.

  12. That is some ****** up ****. I don't smoke either, but I'll have to pick up a pack just in case. I think it's a result of all of this ignorant, hateful, sexist rap music. I can't stand the current "gangsta" culture. Jumping innocent people for ipods and **** is not at all gangter, it's just stupid. It makes you look like uneducated criminal. The original gangsters did not walk around bragging about how badass they were, they didn't need to. The scary thing is, there are middle class kids with loving parents who are doing this ****.      

  13. I don't smoke and have no intentions of buying any  to fill the governments pockets with tax revenues. The thugs who did this were looking for any excuse to viciously attack this man, I hope they lock them up with some real hard lags and lose the key, scumbags all.

  14. That was nothing to do with cigarettes they were looking for a victim.

  15. That's awful! Some seriously messed up people in this world?!

    Even if he did smoke does it mean he has to keep a few aside as "spare" so if a gang of youths ask you for one that you won't be fighting for your life the next day!!!

  16. It's sickening, but people like that are looking for a fight anyway. They didn't just beat him up because he didn't have a cigarette, they're just vicious thugs.  

  17. Same thing happened in my town a year ago, the thing is even if he gave them a smoke, they probably still would have killed him

  18. My friend who doesn't smoke got beat up for the same reasons. I have been threatened before for not giving someone my last cigarette. I get asked all the time. I always just say no unless i do actually have a few and they seem nice. It is actually really common, at least around my area for people to get hit and beaten for a cigarette.

  19. How sickening is that?

    My brother and his then GF were walking home one night when a large bloke started pestering them for a cigarette.Neither smoked.He was stupid enough to throw some punches at my brother and when he wouldn't stop after being asked to several times and went for the GF my brother floored him with one kick to his temple,knocked him spark out.My brother is a trained kick-boxer.I reckon he got what he deserved.I hope the vermin that attacked that young man get what they deserve.

  20. Poor guy, I must say that when I was younger some fella asked me for a ciggy "I replied I don't smoke and the guy pushed me out onto a road in front of a  sixteen wheeler truck" I got off the road and hit the fella. he was so shocked that I attacked him since he thought he was such a though guy.  I know for weeks after he was looking for me with a lot of his mates by the way.  

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