
Have you got any tips to train children the supernanny way?

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Have you got any tips to train children the supernanny way?




  1. 'train' children?  They're not pets!!!  Treat them with love, nuture and respect them - that's the way to get them to grow up to be decent human beings, not by 'training' them.

  2. Not really, I guess I could be supernanny! LOL J/k

  3. When you say no mean no...never give in. If for one minute you think you may cave then make it a MAYBE but attach something to it.

    Example..Can I have sweets? Maybe but only if youre good while we're shopping

    That is far better than saying no only to have the child whinge and moan so much that you give in.

    If you issue a threat carry it out, no dont threaten to harm them but if you say that you'll throw away a toy if they dont pick it up then follow thru with the'll find you make threats less often and will generally only have to follow it thru a couple of times before they know you mean business.

    Yes you want to be their friend but you really have to be their parent first.

    I have never ever used dad as a threat, I hate that "wait til your dad gets home" turns dad into an ogre to be feared and thats wrong.

    I think everyone has to find their own comfort zone when they bring up kids and you will make mistakes along the way...the secret is to learn from mistakes.

  4. No as I don't believe in this "one size fits all" approach to parenting. Just be confident and firm, let your child know who's boss. Set a good example. If for instance, you want your child to be tidy, you have to lead the way by being tidy yourself.  Play with your child, stimulate them..children only play up if they're bored or lacking something. If you have a naughty child, you have to look at your OWN behaviour to explain your child's behaviour.

  5. i really like her technique about time outs. i just think they become ineffective if you use them too much.  but it is definitely beneficial to the child to set the  timer so they know its fair and tell them after the time goes off what they did wrong and tell them to say sorry then tell them you love them and ask for a hug and a kiss while on their level so they dont feel intimidated.

    it works wonders with my daughter. she still hates time out and she will stand there begging to get out but not leaving the corner until her 2 minutes are up and then when she hears the timer shell come running over to me and tell me what she did! it gets them to remember!  that way the next time she doesnt do it.  its awesome! and there are no hard feelings because they know you love them you were just angry!

  6. Consistency, firm boundaries and fairness seem to work for me.

    Also knowing it is ok to say 'no' to children and that they do not always have to have their own way.

    Creating routines help them feel safe and confident so set these in place too

  7. Supernany is all about awards and time outs. I have a sticker chart on my fridge for my 4 year old son. When he does something on the chart he gets a sticker. When the chart gets full he wins a prize. He is now currently working towards a bat man lunch box. One of the best tips I can give you is rewarding and praising a child is as important as punishing a child.

  8. I am nannaplus,

    If that helps.I have five grandchildren

    and another on the way.

    A Tiddly-peep, needs direction,consistency

    and love.

    Security is a must,listening to and teaching in a fun way,are but a few examples of the way to

    have a Happy well co-ordinated child!

    Anything else? please feel free to ask!

  9. yeah

    lock em in the couboard and wen they 11 send em of to hogworths ;)

  10. consistency! & persistence!!

    get the book ... its well worth it!

  11. dont use supernanny, her techians are horrible, she calls the children naughty whch is a scarey word 4 a child. my advice would b use your own  mind treat you children how you want

  12. look for a book called 123 magic effective disaplines for children by a  dr tom phelan he had a child with adhd and the technic that this book shows works i promise you my son has adhd and it made such a difference if it can work on a child with this disorder it can work on a 'normal' child look on amazon you should be able to get it there

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