
Have you got your own mug at work? Do you feel murderous if someone else uses it?

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My boss has used mine to make tea for someone she's interviewing - I can see it sitting on her desk. Shall I storm in there and snatch it back?

PS: It's a lovely royal blue one with a picture of Hever Castle on it, so you can see why I'm so possessive about it.




  1. the Gods have cursed you yet again my dear ? first they afflict you with savage beauty then they send the devil himself to steal away your possessions ? i suggest you tell the mug stealer that you come with the may change their idea ?

  2. Set the fire alarm off,rush in and grab your mug.When everyone comes back in,make a big fuss about your mug being stolen and sue for a replacement and all the trauma you've suffered.I'd have thought you'd have a mug with Jeremy Kyle on.

  3. get a life its a bloody  mug.!.

  4. well I have your face plastered on mine and  NO ONE touches it, it's very hot and warms me up real nice.

  5. Did you nick it from a castle cupboard on a visit?  You should certainly protect it, as you could say it has been a life-saver.  Anne of Cleves used to own Hever Castle as she got it in a settlement for agreeing to an annulment of her marriage to Henry VIII.  He found her too ugly to bed.

    Here’s a picture of her:

    Is she a relative of yours?  Some people might detect a likeness.

  6. what is hever castle?

    I have always imagined you to be a boss.

  7. yes...anyone who has used my mug is going to h**l.

  8. Just explain to her that it is yours.

  9. I don't keep company with pigs, nor am I dependent upon them

  10. Yes. Yes.

    Seal it with plastic bag and put it out of sight.

  11. Dude...thats your mug and that ****** had no right to take that s.hit. You need to bounce into her office and snatch that s**+.t back quick ***.gga who uses that shigt might have SARS or an STD or some crazy as.s s**+.t like that...i would smack that dumb lil h.o upside the head once too...

  12. Yes and yes!

  13. Ask her " I was wondering, isn´t that my mug?"

  14. Wouldnt be very happy about it but id buy a new one and keep it on my desk. yuk. im funny about stuff like that

  15. wah the cheek of it

    I would march in there and take it back.

  16. Go in there right now and rip her still beating heart out of her chest.   (or you could just go and use someone elses mug and get over it)

  17. if you feel you need your own mug at work keep it on your desk and do not leave it where others may use it. also an anger management course might be well advised, it is only a mug lol.

  18. Don't make a fuss about something so trivial, it will only make you look bad. Yours may have been the best mug available to give to a visitor at the time.

    Suggest to your boss that she buys some decent mugs/cups to use especially for future visitors and occasions.

  19. Yes, it would bother me if someone used my special mug.  But I wouldn't bring anything special to work.  Keep it at home and bring ugly things to work.  That way, if anyone messed with it, you won't care.

  20. Go for it! And let us know what happens when you do! Tell your boss that he is deliberately allowing you to become dehydrated and thats ceratinly not on :oP have fun!

  21. Leap in there as fast as your little legs will carry you, snatch it back saying that when you visited Hever Castle it was the only surviving leper colony (excluding the House of Commons) that still manufactured coffee mugs. Yours was made by a three fingered, one armed, one eyed leper, personally for you and you hold it in great esteem as it is of great sentimental value as the leper has since rotted away.

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