
Have you gotten an ultrasound wrong regarding gender?

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Have you gotten an ultrasound wrong regarding gender?




  1. nope 2 for 2 on the girls! Both of my girls were clear as day!  

  2. I haven't, but my husbands mother did with him.

    They said he was a girl until she was 8 months pregnant with him.

  3. My mother was told that I was a boy at her ultrasound. This was in 1984.

    I have not encountered the problem personally in my own pregnancies. Two boys and they were clear my first ultrasound. At my 18 week and 23 week ultrasounds for this pregnancy, the tech was not sure so she made sure to tell me that it was just a guess. I found out I am having a girl at an ultrasound at 27 weeks. I have only known for about 2 weeks now and am scrambling trying to remember what I need to buy for a newborn of the opposite s*x.  

  4. my friend did they said it was a boy and it was a girl. she was so shocked when the baby came out her grandmother told them to put the baby back in lol

  5. I haven't, but I have heard that there is definitely a possibility. My sister was supposed to be a boy, but she's a girl! Good luck, & hope I helped! <3

  6. i have not personally had it happen, but I have heard of it happening. For my daughter I decorated her room totally girly, but when I packed for the hospital, I put in one pink outfit and one yellow..just in case.  

  7. an ultrasound is never 100%

    so yes, i'm sure people have had an u/s predict the wrong gender

  8. So far no. mine have been 3 for 3. we will see at the end of October if this one was right or not.

    But they did tell my sister that she was having a boy and it turned out that her second child was a girl.

  9. I have had 3 for 3, but my friend was told she was having a girl and she had 2 ultrasounds and she bought everything and had a boy. That's why they wont tell you 100% either way.

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