
Have you gotten over your divorce yet?

by  |  earlier

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its been 2 years for me and i still get mad sometimes, of coarse my ex had an affair so who wouldnt




  1. If you truly want to move forward, then start living life!!!  It takes a good 3 yrs to let it all go...  However, each new thing you do & gaining new friends, helps so much!  Get yourself together, so that when you find the girl who will always be there for you, you will recognize it.  You never want to go into a new relationship with baggage from the old. No, not everyone is a cheater or a s***k!  When she enters your life, all of the past will seem so far away........

  2. You asked, "so who wouldn't"...I wouldn't !   2 years is a long time to carry around such anger...and it is destructive to you. Why are you hanging on to such stuff in your life? As long as you  are stuck in the past, you cannot find a future...time to think about it, for your ex still has control of you...not very wise!  

  3. Oh Yeah! I got over her before we even separated and Divorced. She was a royal pain.

  4. my husband divorced his ex 10yrs ago, and she is still bitter, angry, jealous and very spiteful.

    poor her!

    we want to send her some s*x toys or a stripper to get rid of her frustrations, but a bit worried she won't know what to do with either of them.

    silly cow!

  5. My divorce was 3 years ago - and I would be completely over it and have happily moved on with my life with no looking back if it were not for the fact that we share a child together - which has eternally bound us still together even though we are divorced.  We did not work well together as husband and wife, and that did not change unfortunately when we became Mother and Father.  If you don't have any connection with your Ex anymore - please embrace the fact that HE did YOU wrong, and move on in your life free to be happy and treated with the respect and love that you down right deserve.

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