
Have you guys ever seen 'Cowboy John'?

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Have any of you seen that idiot Cowboy John and his horse 'Shadow'? I think that the man is a complete idiot.

This is him doing 'tricks' with his horse Shadow:

Cowboy John and Shadow playing tag:

(this one was on FHOTD)

and finally, the dumbest one of all, Cowboy John and Shadow playing with an Umbrella:

What do you guys think of this?




  1. Sadly, it reminded me of the last Parelli show I saw.  I think the guy needs to come up with better names for his "games" and then he will be huge!

  2. One of my pet peeves are people that ruin horses with stupidity.

    These people are gonna get themselves seriously hurt one of these day....isn't it a shame when good horses happen to ignorant people?

  3. I would like to slap him the the aid of technology....right through the computer...

  4. no i havent

  5. ive never seen or heard of him before, he is a bit strange but you gotta love his horse for being so inquizitive and happy to play, most horses wont show that kind of affection or play with humans and most people dont expect there horses too

  6. What an idiot........It makes me uncomfortable watching people like this, Im embarrassed for them.

  7. Wonder what he would do without a tree to hide behind.  I think that is the worst thing to teach a horse...

    * me until I have to hide behind a tree!!*

    What if Shadow decides to play tag in the open?

    Or with someone who decides to cut across his pasture?

    I personally...think that was a dumb trick to teach a horse.

    No offense to dog people...but it reminds me of people teaching tricks to dogs.  Horses are not dogs...

    I teach my dogs to do ridiculous things...but they don't weigh a 1000 pounds and most likely won't crack my skull with an errant hoof or head.

    **EDIT...I can't help it...I refuse to grow up!!  What's that saying about growing old??  Can't think of it correctly...something about, "we grow old from not laughing and playing."  *okay, maybe the mind is going...but I'm having a good time on the trip!*

  8. Yeah, I think it was last week they posted something about that moron on FHOTD.

  9. Oh my  I needed a good laugh today.  These guys are total rednecks...or something...maybe that's an insult to rednecks!  I have never seen anything so pathetic in my life.  I've got to forward this to my husband......

    Thanks for posting.

  10. Lol, yes now that does seem like a good idea - NOT.

    Some people.........

  11. Oh I don't know.  The horse is in good shape, the facilities, from what I can see, are decent.  He has barn cats, and anybody with healthy barn cats CAN'T be ALL bad...can they?

    Still, I think the black cat in the tag video has the right idea...get me the h**l out of the way when somebody is carrying on like that with a 1200 lb animal.

    What I see that disturbs me is the toleration of bad behavior in the process of play.  There is a difference between teaching a horse tricks (a commanded behavior, if you will) and just encouraging play. (uncontrolled herd behavior)

    Ignoring or failing to address bad behaviors, even during "play," reinforces the bad behaviors.

    I don't have a problem with herd behavior IN THE HERD.  

    Why would you encourage a horse to act like that with a human?  Bucking, kicking, rearing...all normal behavior, but I sure as h**l wouldn't encourage it.  I have grandkids that may venture out into the pasture to pet one of the horses...I don't want to have to depend on my horses' ability to discern it's playmates to establish what is acceptable behavior.  

    That playful nip should have been IMMEDIATELY corrected, not blown off like it was nothing.  Notice he kept doing it?

    I'd say Cowboy John is on the fast track for a Darwin award.  Just hope some innocent bystander isn't nominated instead, and that poor Shadow doesn't pay the price.

  12. no i've never seen him...but i have met a Carnie Luke and a Farmer Kev

    wonder if they are as stupid as him...Kevs pretty stupid with his bulls..but lets not go there

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