
Have you had Credit Card stolen.. What was the process after???? 10 points!!?

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What is the process when you have your cedit card stolen. Obviously you would cancel the card, but then what after, does the credit card company contact the police? And once the police are contacted do you have to make a statement, is there a long process, and what if the police are able to find out when the card was used and where etc do i have to go all the way there to look at the tape with them, etc??

Any info would be great!

I had an american express and live in canada if that helps.




  1. The  first thing is to contact the credit card company, whether you think it was stolen or lost.  They will cancel the account and issue a new card to you.

    If you believe it was stolen, you should contact the police.  The circumstances of the loss will determine how they conduct the investigation.  You have the option of not cooperating.

  2. I had my entire life stolen (literally- birth certificate, passport, 8 credit cards, everything!) we were in the midst of moving so all of my stuff was in my car and they stole my husbands car.. so here's what you do-- you 1st: call and cancel the card, while on the phone, ask if there has been any activity on it since it was stolen (like for instance, the thief that stole mine tried to use it to get gas but it declined because he didn't know my zip code) this could be very important to the police.. 2nd: call the police and tell them you need to file a report. After you have cancelled the card, filed a report, and if there was any activity, then that has to go through the police (you can't go down to the 7-11 they tried to use your card at and loko at the tapes).. after that- it's all in the policeman's hands.

  3. I've had a card stolen and used.

    First - call the credit card company and report the card stolen.

    If the card has been used - the credit card company will refer it to their fraud unit for further investigation.

    The fraud unit usually mails you a form to fill out and return to them with a police report.

    Second- go to the police station and file a report.  The police are very busy and this is not high on their list of priorities. You will get better service, if you just go to the station and meet with an officer there, rather than calling.

    Depending where your card was used -- you may have to file more than one police report.  If the card was used in the city limits - you will have to file with the city police. If it was used outside the city- file with the county sheriff.

    Getting the fraud form and the police report can be a pain in the f***y.  When you send the fraud form in -- keep a copy for your records.

    But, once you get those two things done - that's all there usually is to it.

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