
Have you had a 'Bad hair day' recently

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a 'bad hair day' simply means a day when everything seems to go wrong




  1. nope

  2. A literal bad hair day? Just about! *pulling hair out*

    (At least still have hair...!)

  3. knocked silly  

  4. don't ever cross my way today... i have my bad hair day today.

    somebody reported me to Y!A and got my account suspended.

  5. yea ,,,huh struggle to out of that

    ## Hey Bean I got something for you your highness...ha ha;...

  6. No, not recently.  In the past though, I almost lost all mine hairs.

  7. yes..i have a bad hair day almost everyday..i need to change  a feng sui (maybe my table change other site)

  8. 99 percent of my days are bad hair days.  I wouldn't know what it's like to have a really good day, I would probably faint.

  9. i cut my hair myself yesterday and d**n it!.. it's really bad..haha can this considered as bad hair day?

  10. Everything seems to be bad for me these few days,  not just the hair.

  11. if one day i wake up with no hair at all... and hubby said... "oops.. my bad..".. that must surely be a bad hair day for me..  

  12. yes .....but gindy is bald

  13. this last few week.. yes.. i have so many chores to do and it drive me crazy.. and yea, make my hair all messed up..

    PEACE =D

  14. ya... last week. everything that i planed went opposite

  15. Bad, yup... but still can comb to straighten it out.

  16. Maybe the other way round..i gave the 'bad hair day' to someone..made his hair went 'out-of-bed'

    Y!AM Most look pissed off! calm down...Bean alraedy called you Sayang (Sweetheart)... =) from now on, i will give you thumbs up! cheers Ms Pride...

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