
Have you had a Reiki Master course attunement?

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What did you experience during the attunement? Was it a distance or hands-on attunement?




  1. try

  2. Reiki is bullshit

    aww, is bullshit a "bad word"?

    ok...reiki is bovine excrement, cow dung, ruminant colonic solid waste....take your pick.

    if it sits on the grass in a wet smelly pile, call it whatever you like.

  3. I've been teaching reiki for over 11 years at a local college for Cont. Nursing Education.  I was concerned that the atmosphere would not be good for the attunement, but it seems to have more  significance for some people.  Nurses and people in the medical field are way more intuitive than most people because its their job. The intuition increases more significantly with the attunements.

    I have done the long distance attunements the client feels it and is sometimes overwhelmed by the energy flow, however the person to person is much better, maybe because the person can actually feel, hear, see, smell and immediately give feedback on what they have experienced rather than being frightened.

  4. Hi. I'm attuned as a Reiki Master and it was hands-on.

    During this attunement I was far more aware of the actual symbol as it was instilled than I had been in the previous attunements. And for a few days after it was predominant in my thoughts ( I saw it clearly when I shut my eyes, like the afterglow of a lightbulb) and I felt suffused by the energy it carried.

    My awareness of the energy passing from my master to me was greatly enhanced and I could feel the energy flow around me as she enacted the ritual. I was aware of a swirling aura of colours and had an amazingly strong glow through my heart chakra; and a great, big grin on my face! There was a picture of a sea-scape on the wall behind and it was like the waves were moving! I also had a very clear and vivid picture of my reiki guide.

    I had come through all attunements with this master and after each we chose a small crystal off a tray, as a gift. During my Master's attunement I had a very clear image of which crystal to choose and why.

    It was all pretty awsome and with four of us attuned in the same room, the energy was amazing.

    The most memorable physical effect was that I felt taller like a weight had stopped pressing on me and I even banged my head because my spacial awareness was scewed. I felt very light and loose limbed like gravity had eased off.

    The rest of the day was somewhat unreal. As I was driving home later I realised that even though I was going 60mph I was unaware of the speed in the usual way. It was like there was a huge bubble around me that extended well out beyond the car and everything in the bubble was calm. I was somehow distanced from the movement, even the noise.

    I had to go and check my horse on the way home and when I walked into her field she came over and stopped about fifteen feet from me, pawed at the ground and gave out the loudest neigh I have ever heard from her. She then walked up to me and put her forehead directly on my heart.  When I put my hands on her neck she glowed with a pink aura and my hands 'melted' into her.

    It was cool and there were so many amazing experiences that day as the four of us each shared our energy afterwards. It does take reiki further and I went through some pretty strong 'past-life' stuff in the following weeks and uncovered emotional hurt that was buried way deep. It's like another layer of the onion gets peeled away.

    For Scep-doc: in parts of India, bovine excrement is considered sacred as are the cows themselves and holy-men drink the urine they produce. The reason is a mushroom that grows on the cow pats which is considered to be the Fruit of Soma and the chemical effect on humans is intensified when the liquid passes through the urinary system of the animal. Even bull-**** can be sacred!

  5. I have been attuned to Master Teacher level in Usui Reiki and have received attunements in many other forms of Reiki and energy systems in addition to receiving Medicine Buddha empowerment from Tibetan Monks. Every attunement is different but often the experience comes with warmth and relaxation, visions of colors, feelings of deep love and peace, feelings of different points of tension or pain being released from the body, mind or spirit.

    While passing attunements to my students, I have had some of them reach such deep states of relaxation that they were unable to speak or stand for several minutes after completing the attunement.

    Often after receiving an attunement, I have found that my intuition and all of my senses have been amplified for several days after.

    It is a beautiful thing. A hands on attunement is done in person where the Reiki Master actually places their hands on the student to pass the energy. I recommend that you receive all of your attunements through Master level on your first form of Reiki hands on, so that you can have personal instruction and training.

    Distance attunement is where the Master sends the attunement across a distance and does not have to be present in the same room or even in the same part of the world in order for the attunement to take place. This is possible, it is usually not as intense as hands on and there is rarely the opportunity to receive personal instruction and practice with feedback, so I would recommend that a person have a strong foundation of skill and experience before receiving this type of training.

  6. I had some colors pass thru me, I also had my sense of smell get very keen.....which was strange to me!  My body felt very a pulse running all the way thru me

    I had a hands on attunement!

  7. Sai Ram. Yes, I got a distant attunement and it works quite well. I took the first and second degree attunements in person.

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