
Have you had a good bank hol?

by  |  earlier

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Even though the weathers been ....?




  1. Smashing. People in and out until ten p.m.

  2. Well, kind of.

    We went down to Bournemouth Seaside, which wasn't bad in itself.

    Because we were with a group, we only had like six hours to go around.

    And the first three were wasted in the arcade, because my Mother( -cringe- x_x ) got addicted to this 10p machine, and probably wasted over 50 quid total. o_o I secretly saved £10 from the winnings and hid them, so it wouldn't be so much of a loss. But she found out, and used it all, which made me really angry and upset. So I was shouting in the arcade, and got quite a few strange looks. =/

    But things go kinda better, we went to the shops; ate; and just had a pretty cool time just relaxing. So there we were.. having a great time, sitting there, looking out at the sea. But then... there were these guys at the shower things, by the sand. And instead of bathing like other sane people, they decided to pull their k***s out, like really full on, and started shaking their bits around right in front of us. Lmao. There were even little kids around, but the idiots were just howling and laughing. D=

    Bloody h**l, it was nasty. XD

    I guess it got a little better again though. I gots some candy floss and chips and big lolly pops. =) And the journey back was quite fun. But I am still, however, quite truamatized. -_-

  3. yes i went to pizza hut woooooo

    pizza mmmm...

  4. Yes thank you! A nice considerate question. I have had a lovely day with my little uns, we had lots of fun and I even won a huge teddy bear for them at the fairground. The weather didn't put us off at all! You?

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