
Have you had a paranormal experience what was gentle, compassionate and or comforting?

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Not every experience is evil or scary~

Can you go in detail and express your experience?

Thank you in advance, be sincere and ((nice))




  1. Yes.

    When I was in bed, I started getting really cold. And right before I reached down to the end of the bed to grab the comforter, something put it over me.

    The only negative thing that I've ever had happen to me was having my hair pulled.

    It happened at a Naval barracks that had been built before WWII.

  2. My best friend's husband and brother in law were in a serious accident and Bob (the brother in law) was thrown from the car and died soon after.  About a week later, I found out I was pregnant with my first child.  As I was sitting alone, thinking about it, I thought 'What would Bob say about THIS?' and suddenly, Bob was there.  I felt his presence and heard his laugh, and felt him give me that one armed hug he was famous for.  It made me smile and realize I could get through this.  

    I've had many experiences both good & bad, but this one truly made me feel better.

  3. I had one today, actually.  I took my mother for x rays for a possibly broken foot.  While the secretary was typing we were discussing the spelling of her name, JoAnn as opposed to Joann or Joanne.

    On the way home we were discussing my late father and how I had seen him a few months ago, and what my non believing brother would say if she had seen Dad, too.  I had the distinct feeling that I needed to go to the library.  Normally when I have a feeling like that there is something that I need to see, or perhaps something I am looking for is there.

    So, we went to look at the books for sale.  After about 10 minutes, there it was .. a book by an author whose first name is JoAnn.  Dad just wanted us to know he heard us, and that he is never far away.

    She got your message, Dad.  Maybe one day soon she will see you, too.

  4. During prayer group, recently, we all were holding hands with one another, as I felt the palm of a hand touch me on my back.  It stayed there the whole time we were praying together which was about 5 or 6 minutes.  I thought it was one of the prayer members, but looked and all hands were being held by another in a connective circle.  There was no one else in the room.  I was not afraid, for I have often felt this "hand" on my back over the years.  The first time I remember this experience was when I was only 4 yrs old and laying in bed.  I was frightened by it then, and remember calling out to my mother to come into the room.  When she entered and turned on the light, the "hand" disappeared.  

  5. My grandfather...

    He was the first ghost I ever saw (and maybe the reason of my ESP). He sticked on our house doing his regular chores. When my aunt noticed me confused about him being there... she insulted him out.

    Afterward, dangerous entities kicked in and started to haunt me until I was mature enough to deal with them. She "lifted" the protection he was giving me and my sisters until then.  

  6. All the time. Whenever I'm extremly stressed or really upset and I'm laying in bed I feel someone stroking my hair or my back nd I can smell the prettiest scent I've ever smelt. It happens to my sister too. We've been through a lot.

  7. I used to have a lot of comforting things happen to me. Bad things were always happening so I needed a lot of comfort. One of the times was at a church meeting in another town. We were singing with our eyes closed. The speaker had been talking about mothers. Some lady came up and put her arms around me ...and it felt just like my mother was there. I kept my eyes closed and cried a LOT. I think after that I cried for about 3 days. It was a good kind of I had been visited by my mother who had been dead for years. One thing that ruined it at the time for me though ....afterwards another lady came up and said,"Honey, I think there's something else wrong with you.".That was like a knife going into me . I said , "I just miss my mother." (and I didn't say it nicely.) lol I wonder why there are some people who always are there to ruin wonderful experiences like that.Now I can't cry..and I wish I could...from something happy like that. I don't have those kinds of experiences anymore since I left church.

  8. I felt a brush against my arm and a cold touch that is all hope it helped:)

  9. I lost two different people in my life to illness within a short span of time.  The first was my roommate who was as close to me than any brother I could ever have.  The other was my father.  I was so hurt by my roomie leaving that I would not attempt to communicate with him and was angry with him.  He made no attempt to contact me until after my Dad died.  He was very comforting to me, even though I didn't see or talk to him.  I have not had contact with him since.  But I do appreciate his help at a very vunerable time for me.  

  10. I used to live in a house in England and there was definitely a comforting ghost there!!  

    We had a guest bedroom that was usually empty and it was ALWAYS colder in that room than any other room in the house.  Even in the middle of summer it would be nice & cool in there.  Also I always felt very at ease in that room.  Especially if I was sick.  I remember once both my brother and I had the flu and we fought as to who would get to stay in that room so I know I wasn't the only one that felt that way.  You just felt taken care of and calm.  

    And this is totally true... after we moved out we went back about 6 months later to visit our old neighbors and they told us that they had just found out that our old house used to be a hospital during WWII.  I wasn't surprised at all.  It just confirmed what we had experienced there!

  11. I have had a lot of amazing experiences that stem from family members. I have had them show up in times of pain and need. I know they are there through distinct smells. I have had them touch me when I needed reassurance. And recently, I had a reading from a Medium from the Spiritualist Camp of Cassadaga who confirmed that the two entities that were with me were my grandparents. I didn't mention ONE thing about them. She told me stories that they wanted to share with me about things we did when I was like 1 or 2 years old.  (My grandfather passed when I was 3) Things I would have never remembered. Also, she told me one story that my grandfather shared about something he said to my mom before my birth. I had to ask my mom to confirm them and she did. Now, she is not a believer in all this, but me sharing those stories with her has her second guessing her beliefs.

    I still have experiences with them and can sense their presence. If you want more info - I would be more than happy to share it with you. Please email me and I will go into more detail about situations.

    It's a truly amazing feeling to know that no matter what, you have people (or entities) that love you and are always there with you. No matter what.

  12. Apparently, you have heard negative feedback, such as every spirit is evil. Yes, there is a comforting spirit guide to which I call The Holy Spirit. I am a baby Christian, meaning I was saved this past February. I promise I'm not self-righteous, if that is not your belief. Infact, I am the opposite. I have to pray many times throughout the day, because I am prone to lean to the dark side. I am a writer and singer as well. Music influences me greatly, and I love Heavy Metal bands. I have switched to Christian rock, such as Flyleaf and Lifehouse, so I can hear spiritual struggles and bass at the same time. lol  Also, we all have a guardian angel and that can be comforting. If you asked me if I believed in ghosts a week ago, I would have said no, but my eyes and heart have told me otherwise. I believe God allows comfort when needed when someone is in mourning, but they are not allowed to stay for a long length of time. If there is one hanging around, it is most likely trickery. I believe strongly in demons, and they pretend to be ghosts. Some spirits are not at rest and can be comforting, but will turn on people in a heartbeat. My experience you asked for, came in the form of a Union soldier. He was building something with his hands. I accepted him in because I knew there were horrible things that happened during the Civil War in my very neighborhood. I am an Empathic/Psychic as far as a Scientific term. The Bible calls it discernment of Spirits, healing and prophecy, but I do not feel comfortable with saying I am a prophet. That seems so haughty. All I know is I see things, and receive and send messages telepathically when I am not trying. I struggle with tapping in, and feel it is an invasion of privacy, though I have been known to slip up and do it. I'm a work in progress. lol Any-who, after allowing this prescence into my house, I opened up a portal for things I do not feel is appropriate to discuss at this time. That is because I know you have a gift as well, and I do not want to steer you down the wrong path. Feel free to email me, if you need further info. I feel someone will read this who will stir some stuff up. I don't know why, but I do in this particular answer. I feel things inbetween my belly button and my heart (chakra) area. You are a sweetheart, I can tell. So, you are open-minded to that possibility of comfort, and that is cool. Just be careful. Love, Ivy

  13. I have but I do not feel like typing it again. I would copy and paste it but thanks to all my violations, I have had my account suspended a few times. But yes, I found it amusing, not a drop of fear which surprises me. I could not believe what I was witnessing, there was interaction, it was responding to my reaction of it. I think it was trying to get my attention b/c to help my friend's infant. I probably should not half tell a story so I won't.  

  14. My wife and I have had many experiences with departed loved ones returning, some of them were shared experiences which leaves no doubt in my mind that we survive physical death.

      My mother in law woke the two of us up one morning with a cheerful,"Hello". We just turned to each other wondering if the other one just heard the same thing . We both did. There were no other ppl in the house,no dogs or cats, no one. We lived in the country,far rom the nearest neighbors ,and 1/4 mile off the nearest road.. No radios or tv's were on. She just stopped by from spirit to say Hi, and let us know she still existed.

        Our daughter was killed in a car crash at the age of 24. She has appeared to us several times , as have my sister in law ,and others.

      Our  daughter also has appeared to my son many times. Someimes she has told him thinsg that he did not , and could not possibly have known, but we  knew it was true.

  15. After 9 11 I was scared to death. The friday after as I was watching the TV and all the religious ceremonies,I was crying so much that I couldn't catch my breath! I really thought I would have a heart attack. I said out loud "Somebody,please help me."in that split second,I felt my husband(dead) in the room and I was completely calm. I didn't see him but I felt his presence the whole day.

  16. Most of my experiences have been startling, but far from evil.

    My favorite experience was walking home one night and talking to an old woman I met. We started talking after seeing what might have been a shadow figure across the street, and she just wanted someone to talk to, telling me she was convinced it was a communist spy (and this was in the 1990's, so the only communist spies were likely to be Chinese). We spoke on a wide variety of topics, including my new hobby of paranormal investigation.

    Even after we got to my house, we stood out in the open, talking for over an hour (I estimate two hours total for the conversation). And then I took my eyes off her for a split second, and she vanished. The last thing she said as I looked away was: "I think everyone keeps loving others, even after they die" (which was in line with our conversation, but odd that it was the last thing).

    We were about 30 yards (that's 90 feet) from any building or anything upright, standing in a suburban area near my home. I looked toward my home (which was the nearest object) for only a second, possibly two. I was responding (I don't remember what I was saying), and then I realized what had happened after almost ten seconds.

    To this day I can't explain how that could be faked. It never happened before or since, though I continued taking that same route home for almost a year after. A lot of the time, I was hoping to meet her again and ask her why she'd disappeared, but I never saw her again.

    However, others had, and I discovered more than 180 other people who had seen this woman since the 1960's, and one produced a photograph of her mother, taken only one week before she died. I have to say that the resemblance was striking, and she seemed to shrug it off, as so many people had seen this woman, but nobody twice.

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