
Have you had an experience with ghosts or anything paranormal?

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If so, then tell us your story :)

I think it's all very interesting. I'm sure I once saw a ghost when I was younger! Share your spooky, but true stories.





  1. I went on a field trip as a kid to Steamboat Mansion in KY. Took a picture of myself in this huge hall mirror and later after the pics were developed you could see a face in the mirror next to me where the flash was.

  2. Um, ok bit of background info first so it all makes sense!

    My grandad's mum (on my mum's side) was a white which, and I don't mean all that 'candles and power of three' stuff, proper laying out the dead and sitting with them all night, home remedies kind of thing. If that's not witchcraft my grandad says, he don't know what is!

    Ok, so it runs down the female line of my family to be a little 'atuned' to the weird. My aunts (grandad's sisters) say they've never felt anything when they talk to your face, but if you overhear them, you pick up on them 'experiencing' their late mother/husband/father's spirit, or what can only be explained as like a full body shiver that instantly makes you think of that person. My mum is the same, knows there's something out there but will never admit it!

    Me on the other hand, I'm quite willing to accept that there may be some kind of spiritual residue (if that's the right word) in some places.

    I've seen the ghost of my dog on numerous occasions, the shade of an elderly lady who most definitely wasn't my nana (when she was still alive, and living with us) standing by my bed, 'felt' something out of the ordinary at my old school one evening after helping out at parents' evening, and when I went on a day trip to the Somme, I could hardly walk because I had such a crushing migraine and I kept hyperventilating and almost collapsing... I also get odd 'flashes' of feelings in certain places, like Brick Lane in London, Hampton Court palace etc...

    I've also had pictures taken of me that have orbs in, especially when I'm wearing my nana's 60year old coat (they made em to last in those days!) that she used to wear during the blitz. As well as having strange 'almost images' turn up in my photos!

  3. Yes - I was renting a couple of rooms when I first started working in the city in a 200 year old house and had gone to bed  & locked the door. I hadn't fallen asleep and know that the light was off when I heard what sounded like someone crunching on an apple in the hall outside (odd I know but that's what I heard) and then my bedroom just seemed to drop in temperature rapidly. The duvet on my right hand side lifted and at this point I was literally petrified. When it dropped, the right hand side of my body was so icy, as though a block of ice was alongside, it was all I could do to not start shivering & chattering.  I must have lay like that for a couple of hours at least, not daring to open my eyes, or to move and despite wanting to go to the loo held on until the birds started to make noises outside before belting out of there as quickly as possible.   I didn't sleep in there again and only ever went back in there to retrieve my clothes and move to different accommodation. Ugh.

    Very odd but true.

  4. A couple of years ago I was doing a show at a historic theatre. While backstage during a rehearsal, I felt what seemed to be hands grab my waist. Like someone was trying to scare me. I tried to brush the hands away, but there was nothing there. No one could have come up behind me, I was stand by a wall. I can't explain it, but I'm sure I didn;t imagine it.

    Then the next month, I went on a class trip to Vicksburg, MS. In the McRaven Home, there was a candlestick holder with dangling crystal. One was swinging back and forth like someone was pushing it. That single crystal, in a group of about 10, was the only one moving. It moved for almost 15 minutes, the entire time we were in that room. There was no air conditioning or breeze to blow it, and  only one was moving. Everyone in my group saw it not just me.

  5. When I was probably 12 or 13 I had an experience. I woke up and nobody else in the house was up yet. I was a lazy teenager and I didn't want to make my own breakfast so I sat in my room and waited for mom to get up. Well, while I was sitting there I saw a man in a jet black monk suit walk across my doorway and into the bathroom. Nobody in my house has those kind of clothes and nobody is as tall as the person in them seemed to be. I think my heart skipped a few beats and I pulled my blankets over my head and hid until someone else got up.

  6. I was 7, and I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this shadowy figure kneeling at the foot of my bed. I wasn't afraid, and for some reason I thought it was my mom. I called out to it, "Mom?" cause I was confused at why she would just be sitting there staring at me, but it didn't budge. I fell asleep shortly after, but haven't been able to forget about it since. To this day, I wonder what it was.

    Any ideas?

  7. i have lived in the same hoouse for almost eight years and have never had this feeling that the house was haunted and there is no reason for it to be because its a new house and we live in the city and nothing bad has ever happened in the neighborhood

    it was a couple years ago when i was about 8 im 15 now

    i was in the bathroom about to shower and i saw something on the wall like a like black speck so i decided to wipe it off

    but it wouldnt come off so i used my finger nail to scratch it off because it was really bugging me then i got it off and also managed to scratch a really small hole in the wall i kept scratching at it and then teensy amount of red stuf came oout i i kept scratching and more came out only a teensy bit at a time though. i got scared so i stopped scratching at it i dont know if it was blood or not or could have even just been a bug that was built into the wall but it was creepy. that red stuff was coming out of my walls

    this is an absolute true story!!

    please pick me for best answer!

  8. Children tend to see them more than adults. I never have seen then but I have heard them talking. Heard footsteps down the hall and doors opening with no one there.

  9. it is interesting, even sends the shivers 'up' you when something does happen, but i always debunk

  10. h**l, countless times. I live near the woods where there used to be a graveyard in the 19th century. One time, I was walking to the garden i planted in the woods, and something tapped on my back. I turned around and there was nothing there. It happened again, and I turned around and there was some eerie light looking thing that seemed to have humanlike arms. It was translucent and had what looked like a head. I've talked to a ghost it was some lady who loved cats and died of a stroke. There was some kid too who drowned when he was swimming in the creek.

  11. I believe my dead grandad saved my life once does that count?

    I was asleep and choking in a dream and my g/d put his hands on my forearms and said 'Not yet love' I woke up and was gasping and my arms felt like they had been touched by freezing cold hands!

  12. ummm a couple of times. my brother (18) has had baby hands reaching out for him, and it was after i bought this really old photo of a baby in a chair. one time i woke up and there was a little transparent/white girl on my bed, watching me sleep. but when i got closer, she vanished. one time a man (who looks a lot like my grandfather in the 50's) raced from my brothers closet, straight across to the bathroom. he had a brief case and was wearing dark colors. that was after we framed and hung up a picture of when he was in the military or wold war 2. one time me and my mom fell asleep on the futon in the living room. i woke up at about 3 or 4 in the morning, and this pretty woman was standing over my mom, watching her sleep. she had a long, flowing dress and long flowing hair as if wind was blowing her way. she looked like she was from centuries ago. she also was wearing an amulet(necklace), but she was also transparent/white. the next morning i told my mom about it, and she said she saw the woman too, but she was too afraid to look up. another time, my brother was in our house alone, eating cereal. he heard heavy footsteps walk past him, but ignored it. then the bathroom door slamed shut! he left the house and didn't come back for hours, until me & my mom were home. these are most of the stories, and all of them are true. i hope i "entertained" you. lol


  13. Even though the paranormal sometimes really gets to me (as in scares me), I still LOVE watching/reading/hearing anything about it. There are so many people that are skeptical and though i'm a strong believer, I still can't figure out how some are just totally against the fact it exists. But, you can't change someones beliefs! My sister is very in tune and she always has dreams where people close to her (or our family) that have passed on reach out to her. She's had incidences out in public and though she doesn't go looking for it, things just happen without warning. It sounds crazy but there's no doubt she has some kind of connection. As for me, I supposedly had a few things happen when I was little but these days, I don't get much of anything. My step dad got killed in a horrible car accident my senior year in 2005 and it's been really hard for me to just get past it all. There are days I thrive for him to reach out to me, but nothing has happened yet. Others, I get too weirded out. I don't expect him to jump out from behind a corner or start talking out of thin air, nothing like that.. just maybe a visit in my dreams or some kind of sign. Who knows. He's visited my sister, but I don't have the courage to ask my mom if anything has happened to her. My sister told me that when I was little, the house across the street from the one I grew up in was supposedly haunted. We were all close with the family that lived there but I don't remember them ever bringing anything up. My sister said I would always talk about "the old woman" who would stare at me from out the front door, but no one else ever saw her. We would be playing in the front yard and I would tell my sister to tell the woman to stop looking at me. Maybe I had the connection then and I was too young to do anything about it. I guess I just have to find a way of getting back in tune.. but do I want to? That's the question. Other than that, I love visiting places with activity or hauntings.. Texas is full of them! Everyone close to me believes, and they all have stories. I guess it just takes something happening to those who don't believe for them to think twice!

  14. No, there is no paranormal, no supernatural, no ghosts, angels, demons, Deities, life after death. There is only here and now.

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