
Have you had an outside the body experience?

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Please be serious, i would really like to know if any of you have had an "out of the body" experience or know someone's account of it, please do tell us about it. Thanks in advance!




  1. If you were to get a hold of the drug Ketamine (used as an extreme tranq).. also known as special k... you are believed to walk out of your physical body for quite sometime. I had a friend try it. But he told me how scary it was, and it can be fatal if for some reason you never make it back into your body

  2. I actually have.  There was one instance where I was sleeping, but I felt like I was awake....I looked around and I was kind of in mid air...I looked down and I saw myself sleeping.  I also saw my dog at the end of the bed sleeping next to me.  There was what appeared to be a little silver cloud "talking" to me.  It felt like it was only a minute or two, then I woke up and immediately looked at the end of the bed and sure enough, the dog was sleeping right where I saw him!  It was kind of freaky when it happened.

  3. once saw myself asleep in bed i was over my own body looking down it was to real to be a dream

  4. There is a good account of this "out of body experience" happening as related by a famous magician who experienced it first hand. Please see the link below. You may have to scroll a bit to get to the story, but the whole thing is a good read. It is an excerpt from the book, "Lives of the Psychics".

  5. no

  6. yes,i was at work and took a brake,went home and just headed to bed and kind of started to felt sleepy ,then the OBE,and this time i was in the air and heading towards the

    back of a car,took note of the car plates and then all of the sudden was again in my physical body,the thing is the car i saw in this experience is from someone i know,-a friend-,well i just called to check if she was all-right  and told her what i had experience plus the plate number and the thing is that

    it was indeed the numbers i had seen,(so i just told her just

    to be careful ,but not in 'panics way',then i told her to play those numbers just in case-and to make it short those same numbers came out that night in those lotteries where you play

    3 numbers,well she told me the day after ,and basically then

    i understood why of the -obe-,in some way ,had helped her...

  7. yes , first one was when I was 7 years old, too tired to go into details.

  8. When I was a child, of eight.  I fell off a motorcycle and hit my head really hard on a rock.  The next thing I remember is walking away from the accident, only thing it was my spirit.  My body was still laying on the ground.  Then a voice told me that it wasn't my time and that I needed to go back.  I don't remember reentering my body, but the next thing I heard was my friend crying and me slowly getting off the ground.  When I got to the doctor, my brain on the left side had swollen. I was out of school a week.   I believe when your body suffers major pain or shock, somehow you release your spirit in a way to cope with the situation.   I have also had a friend of mine tell me there are books on how to have "obe".  He says it scared the c**p out of him and never done it willfully again.   Hope these answers help.   Peace

  9. Well this probably isn't what you mean but here goes.  When I was like in third grade I was playing Red Rover at Recess.  That's where kids will hold hands and form a line or barrier and you try to run and break through.  I was pretty small at the time and the two boys I tried to break through their line was a lot stronger than me.  Rather than break through I flipped over their arms and hit my head very hard on the asphalt and was knocked out.  I saw myself lying on the ground as I floated up to the sky.  This only lasted a few seconds evidently and when I woke up I was laying facedown on the asphalt (don't know how I got on my stomach when I hit the back of my head) and my fingers were bloody from clawing the ground.  Anyway I was just knocked out I didn't die or anything but I clearly remember seeing myself lying on the ground facedown.

  10. Yes. Many people experience OOBE or Astral Projection, without even realizing it. You know those dreams when you are flying alot of times you are actually Astral Projecting. I have done this for over 20 years. At first I was scared and unable to control my experience. But with time and education I learned how to bring on an OOBE and go where I wanted. I think the best OOBE I've had was when I went to Ireland. It was breath taking! Here are some links to a few sites on OOBE.

  11. On a few occasions I was forced out of my body to hopelessly watch as someone else used it for their own pleasure. Otherwise remote viewing is very similar to this experience as well.

  12. I never have, but I know two people who swore they did.

    A farmer standing in his field said it was hot and he was wiping his forehead and felt faint and stood there with his sweat rag over his face and waited for himself to calm down so not to fall down.

    When he no longer felt this way he dropped the rag down and began to walk off when for some reason he decided to look back and almost lost it when he seen himself laying on the ground. He said he thought he had died in the field and his spirit was still around. after looking at himself for a few moments he noticed that there was no way he was dead as his stomach was still moving but looked more like he was asleep. worried he didn't know what to do, all his life he never believed in anything he couldn't hold in his hands but yet there he was standing at his own feet wondering what the heck was happening. Lost he started walking back to the house and said he got maybe 20 or 30 feet away and felt a pull which was small at first but the more he fought it the stronger it became and soon was being dragged back. next thing he knew he was getting up off the ground back in his body.

    The other person didn't give any detail just stated he had one.

  13. When I was younger, I used to see myself from outside my body quite frequently. I always assumed that it was normal. I even saw myself through another person's eyes, once. Even when I was 13 and I had my bar mitzvah, the whole time I saw myself from high above, like on the ceiling.

    Even now, I still see myself from just behind or next to my head when I'm not thinking about it.

  14. No, but once I was playing a video game against my best friend shortly after his dad died. When my character in the video game was killed by his character, I had a very strange feeling (as sleep paralysis) and then I said "I died. Oh well... it happens to the best of us." I hadn't even thought to say that, the words were just coming out of my mouth as though I was a puppet. I didn't feel like I was in control of my body or of what I was saying. Logically, it doesn't make sense, but that's what happened and that's how I felt.

  15. When i was 5 I was having my tonsils taken out, I was with Jesus above the surgeon and nurses watching them.

  16. Acutally yes i have. When i was in like 4th grade i remember i was playing with some friends in the gym during p.e. class and they were doing that sleeping thing to people ( you know when you apply pressure to their throat and they go unconcious). And they were like try it so i did ( i was dumb at the time). So they put me up against the wall and told me to hold a deep breathe and so i did and they applied the pressure to me throat. then i just kind of fell asleep and i had a dream but in the dream i saw myself against the wall and my friends doing the sleep thing to me. then i saw myself fall to the floor. and then i woke up and i was on the floor in the same position i was in my dream. and i was like woah that was werid. but yeah that's my out of body experience.

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