
Have you had any absinthe?

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I wanted to know more on how people felt when they were on it. I havent dropped acid but I did shrooms. Is it worth it?




  1. I had a friend that brought a couple of bottles back from Spain one time.  The first time I did it, it was a little different than a normal buzz - I had a mild visual fixation (like really wanting to constantly focus on one pixel on the TV) for awhile, but then it eased into a normal alcohol buzz.

    The second time I did it, I really got tore up (high proof alcohol) and it was the first - and only - time I was ever a "mean" drunk.  I was a real jerk, and I really have nothing to blame it on but the absinthe.  I've been drunk many times before and after that and never exhibited the aggression I did that night.

    All the times after that, it was just like drinking any other alcohol.  I had "TABU" from Spain, if that helps.

  2. Yes, I've had it in Denmark and it was just like having a strong liquor - I didn't hallucinate or anything.  My friend did vomit though after taking several shots.  I was fine though (well relatively, haha).

  3. Absinthe is a refreshing, albeit high alcohol drink, a pleasant aperitif. It is not, repeat NOT a hallucinogen. Drink the czech swill if you have to, and leave the good stuff for the big boys.

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