
Have you had any dreams that give you that awesome happiness inside when you wake up?

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I had a really neat dream where in the present, my parents decided they wanted to take our family out to see the world and do everything we've always wanted to do. So we climbed up a really pretty mountain and jumped off and flew to arabia at this pretty temple thing that had storks in the lake (like in Prince of Egypt lol) and they said, "This is our hotel."

We stayed outside for our room though, and I soon realised that my youngest brother wasn't there and it was really in the past. So we started to walk around the temple in this forest place that was really pretty too. Somebody hit the PAUSE button then, because everybody stopped moving and it was like a camera was panning out. I realised that I was looking at a photo album of my parents going on a trip before my youngest brother was born with my two other brothers, but without me (if that makes any sense).

When I fell asleep again, I had a dream where I was at a lodge like at my church camp only it was in the middle of the




  1. Well, not one like that, but I've had great dreams!

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