
Have you had any experience with postpartum depression?

by Guest21483  |  earlier

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Can you tell me a little bit about your experience?

I'm 13 days postpartum and in a funk. Not sure what it is, just feel like I wanna cry and have nothing to cry over. I think I'm crazy.




  1. aww, you arent crazy.  Lots of moms go through it.  I dont have children, but my sister has 4.  She had a very bad case of postpartum with her second.  She wouldnt tell anyone, because she thought they would think she was crazy.  The best thing is to tell someone, because then you can get help.  It will get better.  You just had a baby, lots of things are different.  I wish you luck, sweetie.  Please talk to someone about it, though.

    Dont listen to Tom Cruise!  He is a nutcase!  haha, some humor to cheer you up.

  2. I had post partum depression and the baby blues. They are do different from each other so you have to be careful not to confuse the two. It's normal to feel "blue" during the first couple weeks post partum, your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes at the point and is just trying to compensate and get back to normal.

    If after a few weeks you find yourself moody, depressed, fatigued, hungry or have no appetite, and you don't find happiness in what you used to then you need to be checked for PPD. I didn't get checked until I was about 5 months post partum because I was afraid to admit that there was something wrong inside me. I felt so angry all the time, but then I would just cry. Everything felt hopeless and the only thing that really made me even slightly happy was my son. I couldn't handle it. My hubby bore the brunt of my emotions and looking back I was terrible to him, but I couldn't control it. I saw the doctor and have been on Lexapro for 2 months now. What a difference it has made in my life. I'm me again. I feel so much better. There's nothing wrong with it or you, it's just something that happens...more often then people realize.

    Stay on top of your emotions over the next couple weeks. If you don't feel any better or begin to feel worse go see your OB or Family Doctor. You're not alone in how you feel, and there's nothing wrong with it at all. Get the help while you can. =) It does make a difference.

    I hope you get feeling better, I know what it's like. God bless you. =)

  3. yes i had PD after both of my deliveries. with my son, 3 yrs ago. it was bad, i had CRAZY THOUGHTS about suicide and everything, i cried all the time couldnt eat, lost a lot of weight at one time my milk came in 2 days late. my baby lost one pound in 3 days. i could not be alone, it was scary and i didnt have a good OB to help me. that ended in the middle of week 3, almost 4 weeks later. thank god. with my daughter 2 1/2 months ago, i got it too, but not as bad. i only had it 1-3 hours a day in the afternoon and it just went away by bedtime (with my son it was all day long and in the middle of the night to) but this time it went away at the end of week one.

    just make sure you eat, a lot!!!! and try to sleep with the baby, its hard but will help. and if at your 6 week check-up if its not better then ask OB to help. but if its that hard now ask now. you can e-mail if you want... i know just having someone to talk to helps to. i had no one to relate to, my friends never had this happen to them and thought i was just crazy.....

  4. O yeah I experience it! just hang in there surround yourself with family.but never feel like your alone in this a lot of woman like me and you go through this, Hormones do this horrible thing to our bodies! so just be positive and read alot about it too, that helped me as well as talking to my md about it!

  5. I definitely did.  It seemed like a combination of things.  The overwhelming emotions I had for my baby were hard for me to handle.  I loved him so much that all I could think was "Oh, you've really done it now-nothing is ever going to be the same again."  I was right, but in a good way.  That along with lack of sleep, nursing what seemed like 24 hours a day, and the anxiety of being a first time mother took a huge toll on me.  I finally talked to my MD and started on an antidepressant, which helped tremendously.  You are completely normal and absolutely not alone.  Hang in there-I promise that you will get back to being yourself once your hormones even out.

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