
Have you had any odd hard to explain experiences with the paranormal or similar.?

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Dont tell me there is no such thing many people would disagree. Thanks




  1. Yes, try a nun in old style habit for starters in a house that wont rest in a yard next to a funeral parlor with a creepy old wagon to carry the dead where you can see burning torch lights lighting the glass up pulled by a horse of long ago in the night

  2. I have had several unexplained events in my life. The most recent one was when "something" pulled my hair. I did not dream this and there was no one else around who could have pulled my hair. It wasn't a gentle tug either.

    If you want to read some good stories of encounters with ghosts, please see one of my favorite sites :

    Keep searching and good luck! :) I LOVE this category! :)

  3. There is no such thing.

    To be completely accurate, there is no reliable evidence for any of the typical paranormal claims, e.g., telekinesis, clairvoyance, ghosts, etc.

    The fact that many would disagree speaks more to the gullibility of many people as well as the general acceptance of paranormal nonsense by our culture.

    To answer your question, I haven't had any such experience and as far as I can tell nobody else has either, though like you say they might disagree.

    EDIT: To reply to your reply, the silly saying that no proof is enough for a skeptic is ridiculous. The skeptic is looking exactly for that, the proof! The disconnect is that the skeptic and the true believer may disagree on what is proof and what isn't. The true believer may think that the flimsiest circumstantial or subjective piece of evidence amounts to proof, when it does not. So far, nothing that has amounted to actual proof has ever been presented. As a skeptic I would love to be proved wrong on this, but so far the evidence is quite lacking. I'm quite open to looking at any evidence with an open mind, but I will look at that evidence scientifically, and only when there is extraordinary evidence will there be justification for entertaining an extraordinary claim.

  4. I've had several weird things happen to me in my life that I haven't been able to explain. On one occasion I was talking to my friend on the phone and sat down at the table to look at the paper (we liked to discuss what was going on in town). I had looked at the paper earlier in the day and found a really interesting article that I wanted to share with my friend. But when I was on the phone with her I couldn't find it, and she couldn't find it in her paper either. It appeared in the paper the next day, which totally floored me.

    Another time I was visiting a museum on the Blackfeet Indian reservation in Montana with my sister and her fiance. They had gone into a back room and I was following. When I hit the doorway of the room I couldn't see anything except white stuff swirling around and a white buffalo in the back of the room. I stood there for a few seconds, trying to find where my sister and her fiance had gone. Suddenly the room cleared and I saw my sister and her fiance sitting directly in front of me on a bench, and there was a stuffed white buffalo directly behind them. I don't know what it meant, but it sure creeped me out!

  5. Sure. But as my name says it's pointless to tell people who refuse to accept it anyway. Sometimes it's just better that way. The medications I'm on don't change the fact that those who try to convince you otherwise are really the delusional ones. All I mostly have now are memories and scoop marks from alleged abductions or visits. These people also let me use or borrow some of their gadgets or devices.One of which lets you see past present and future events vividly. Some of these things seem like sci-fi anyway. I prefer to call this one seeing device a watchers device. Others refer to it as remote viewing.Not even close by their own explanations. I was also able to see what it is to be a ghost. At first they feel relieved  and excited but will eventually  miss many worldly things they loved in life or craved. For my father it was beer.

  6. No.

    Not what you wanted to hear, I know, but statistically useful information?

  7. Yes. Years ago me and a friend were standing in my kitchen i was washing dishes and he was standing beside me when this peice of what looked like a 4x4 post that was broken off on top  to form a point it was black and about 6 ft. long.We were looking out the window when it came thru the yard and thru the wall right between us thru the living room and down the hall and out the other end of the house.

    About 2 weeks aftre that it came thru again.

  8. yes i had ,but they are not hard to explain,rather difficult to understand or explain by limited established meanings, however yes i had

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