
Have you had cancer?

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Just curious how many people are on here that have had it, or maybe have it right now.

And if you don't mind could you say your diagnosis and age as well!!

Thanks a mil! And well done/best of luck depending on your current situation (remission/treatment)





  1. I had cancer of the mouth. This was discovered last november after a visit to my dentist. Had a biopsy which wasn't very nice but the worst bit was keeping my mouth open for so long.Had laser treatment, now have to have a check up every month, this will be until the anniversary of the first year. I'm 56, I urge anybody reading this, keep up your six month dental checks. I think mine maybe saved my life.

  2. Yes. Diagnosed with colon cancer late last year at age 20. Finished treatment last month.  

  3. I havnt but i have lost a few family members to cancer and i have a friend who has just been diagnosed.

    Mainly cancer of the lungs due to smoking

    And one breast cancer

  4. I had lung cancer, mucoepidermoid carcinoma when I was 16. Now 24 and doing fine!

  5. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer February 2007 at the age of 41.  Just finished treatments this past June.  Had my PET scan yesterday and fingers and toes crossed that all is well.

  6. I havent but its in my family.

    My mum has had cervical cancer

    my nan breast cancer

    Aunt Breast cancer

    Uncle prostate, skin and bone

    2nd cousin throat cancer

    my mums friend not sure what hers was

    another lady i no has ovarian.

  7. Yes testicular cancer diagnosed 3 years ago. Very lucky not to have needed any follow up treatment after the operation.

  8. No and I don't want it.

  9. Yes, Brain Tumour (Ganglioglioma Type II/III) in the Broca's part of my brain - malteser-sized tumour.  Discovered in 2004, when I was 29.

    Tumour was resected, radiotherapy (& speech therapy)  and recent scans are looking good :o)

  10. I haven't but cancer runs in my family, and I have recently just had a false cancer scare. I'm 15.

  11. last year at the age of 53 i was diagnosed with base tongue cancer.i had chemo and radiotheraphy for it but 18 months down the line although the cancer has gone i have no taste buds not much saliva and i cant eat without being sick.the only nourishment i get is from a tube in my stomach that feeds me a liquid protein overnight from a machine.but hey i am still here telling the tale.

  12. i had breast cancer so did my mum l am 48 mum was 65 but is fine now ,my dad had it when he was 15 obviously survived ,and now my poor brother is bravely fighting leukaemia 45 .Bad genes or what!!!!!!

  13. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease, advanced stage NS sub-type, at age 25.  Currently about 1 year in remission.

    Father had Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; he is currently 3 years in remission.

  14. Hi there :-)

    I too have had Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Nodular Sclerosis), at age 24 & 8 months pregnant. Happily, my baby boy, Guy, arrived healthy with no ill-effects and soon after I was successfully treated with chemo & radiotherapy.  Guy yesterday got his GCSE results, 7 Bs and 1 C. :-D

    I've two more children now, Briony 12 & Will 8 (born on Millennium Eve - magical!)

    Five years post-treatment I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism due to radiation damage. This happened because radiotherapy treatment back in 1992 was generally given over a wider area of the body and was not as accurate as today's treatment.

    So at age of 38 I was also diagnosed with Breast Cancer (triple negative) again due to the mantle-field radiotherapy given for my Hodgkin's.  PLEASE NOTE!!!! If you received radiotherapy as part of your HL treatment in the last 3 years then you must remember that the treatment would have been infinitely more accurate and most likely much lower dosed than how things were 16 years ago. You should have no worries about this.  

    Two mastectomies & 5 months chemo later I'm back in remission.

    Yea! :-)

    It's fantastic that you are are 3 years post-HL!  Keep smiling.


  15. I haven't but wife has both cervical and now thyroid, has been diagnosed as benign after chemo, she's 52 this year  
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