
Have you had contact with your high school sweetheart since high school?

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Have you had contact with your high school sweetheart since high school?




  1. Until a year ago when he died.  We stayed in touch since 1958.We were only friends In 1976 we dated for a short time but the same problems were there and it didn't work.  I couldn't take the drinking then or since.

  2. Yes, he admired my dad a great deal.  When Dad died, he came to the funeral to pay his respects.  At the time, my husband was sick with leukemia and he was unmarried.  He actually hinted at possibilities for a future together.  Needless to say, that didn't happen.  He sent a condolence card after my husband died, but I haven't heard from him since.

  3. No, mine was here in England because his dad was in the American Air Force and shortly after we left school he went back to America with his family.  I often wonder about him - it's 48 years since I last saw him.

  4. No.  It's many decades, and we lost touch.  Can't seem to find this person va the Internet either.

  5. Most definitely! We dated for 7 years before going separate ways but still stay in touch via e-mail and Christmas cards. Even my husband agrees that my hss is a terrific guy.

    Am I lucky or what?

  6. Yes I had contacts with four former boyfriends. One I saw only a few

    years later when he came to where I worked out of the blue with two

    friends with him. We got verbally engaged, and then had a major

    fall out. He's married with three grown children and still married to the

    girl he married after me.

      The other long flame I had, looked me up and called. Mom gave him

    my number and I was married with two kids. And he was separated

    with twin boys. We saw each other about twice or three times . And

    then I had to call it quits. My husband and I healed our problems and

    stayed together. I last heard that this mormer fiance had died two

    years after I'd seen him. I have no info on how he died. But it did make

    me sad as he'd been so tormented by his divorce. It was our mothers

    who initially drove us apart. She was Catholic and wanted my conver-

    sion. My mother said she'd disenherit me, if I married a Catholic. So

    he married a good Catholic and was miserable with her. He offered me

    a new home and security, but I didn't want my children brought into

    this arrangement. So I called it off and remained with my husband.

       A third boyfriend, I met again by accident while he was stopped

    for traffic and I was pushing a baby stroller and my hair was in curlers.

    I don't remember much about the conversation, other than he was

    living in that area now. I spoke to him a few times over the phone,

    and then stopped. Years later he stopped at my moms' with a wife

    and two children, wanting to see me again and show me his family.

    I didn't feel I needed to. So I said I couldn't. And didn't arrange any-

    thing. They were only in the city for the day.

        A fourth boyfriend, wanted to propose when he knew I was already

    married, tho my husband was overseas. And I had enjoyed a nice

    dinner out with this ex for the sake of friendship. He'd been a gentleman all the years before when we were dating. And suddenly

    he was all over me in the car later. I innocently believed he just wanted

    to talk after those years in between our seeing each other. But he

    chose that night to tell me he wanted to marry me. A little too much

    and a little bit late. He married an older woman with two kids on the

    rebound. And was miserable and turned old before his time. He disa-

    peared from his home and was never seen again. His wife said he'd

    left his personal affects on the kitchen table, including his medicine

    for epilepsy and his glasses and car keys and wallet and walked out

    the door. Neighbors felt she had killed and buried him somewhere. No

    one has ever seen or heard from him since.

  7. I organized my high school class's  40th reunion this last June and saw the first love of my life for the first time in 40 years... he's married but it was so great to see him again after all this time.. sure did bring back a TON of memories... mostly all good..

  8. I haven't started highscool yet =)

  9. Yes. He happened into my place of work about a year ago. We had a great reunion, with reminiscing from high school and catching up on our families now. It was a great time!

  10. Yes I married her

  11. I like  your  drawing,  YES, I got  a  call out of the  blue.After 32 yrs, I  was  nice  to him and  honest  to husband about  him.  I  was  listed on  Reunion .com is how he  contacted  me.  Anyway  it  turned  out  bad.  He  is  disabled at  home and  called  me  several times  a  day. And  also E mails.  He  hinted  that  he  is  unhappy in marriage  , so on and wanted  me to discuss my  problems.  I  put up with it  about  a  month. I  had  been  good friends  with  sister and told  him I wanted to talk to her also and  he  stalled  around and  never told me how to get  with her. Then  said they were not talking.  Somewhere  down  line  we  had  bad  words  about  memory of  why  we broke  up  and  I  sent  him a  letter  to leave  me alone. and  that  I  thought his  illness or meds  were causing  him problems.   It worked.

  12. Once in college, but I don't plan to ever be in contact again. He was a true jerk.

  13. No, I haven't.

  14. Sigh!  - - -  yes, met him at Waterloo Station platform 3 on a Sunday morning 20 years ago! (Was visiting in London at that time).   What was I thinking?

    He was fat, bald, rich and still very sweet, but I will never know what I saw in him.   Ha  ha ha


  15. No I have not . I really have no desire to. I have been happily married for 41 yrs. Sometimes I wonder what has happened to him but no real desire to see him again.

  16. Yes, I have.  I married my high school sweetheart.  We've been together over 40 years now.  Happily everafter if you ignore a few bad days here and there.

  17. yes i run into her at the class reunions -- both us have done well and we are proud of each other!!!

  18. No. . .Woe is me.  I attended an all girl high school !  The only male was the janitor and I sure had no fantasies about him !  I did make up for it in college though, but had no one special fella . . .just loved them all ! !

  19. Yea, we even got back together for a while after we both got our first divorces.

  20. I saw him once, about 10 years after graduation. We were both married. Through the years I thought about him often. Then, about 2 years ago I heard he had gotten killed in an accident. It was quite sad. Somehow, I always thought we would get back together, and he told me that too.

  21. I married mine and we have been married for 39 years now.

  22. Yes omg. She moved to Vegas, or Reno or whatever, and everytime I hear a song on the radio about her I get all like ready to cry. It's weird.  

    BLah. thanks for reminding me lol.

  23. Met at 14

    Married at 18

    Divorced at 28

    God Help me that I never see him again!!!  almost 30 years ago

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