
Have you had friends who played mind games with you?

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How did you deal with them? Why do people play mind games?




  1. Honestly, yes i have & i've been one of those friends. but the reason we do it is to mess with your head & if your into psycology than its a way of getting things out of your head...Like if you wanna drink but you dont admited than we joke around about it to see what is your reaction and according to your reaction oryour response we off of that... and thats how we get things out your head..Yes i know its mean but it also fun at the same time. :)

  2. Id say that there are people male and females out in this world that thrive off of doing the whole mind games.. I think they are so immature and stupid... and if you catch them at it, then they get are all worried cause they know that you've figured out there games.. games are for loosers and also very immature to boot.

  3. How did you deal with them?

    ....dumped 'em!

    Why do people play mind games?

    ...because we fall for their tricks so they learn that it's fun and it gets attention.

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