
Have you had success counting calories and losing weight? ?

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I am 230 lbs, female, 19 years old, and 5 foot 4. I have used those bmr calculators online and they say I need 2300 calories to maintain my weight. If I cut back on this number, will that really work? Whats a good number to cut back to? I was thinking about 1600. Have you had success? How long did it take? Did you ever eat too few calories and stall your weight loss?




  1. I can't say I stalled weight loss by eating too little. At the moment, I now weigh 111 lbs., and at one point I weighed 165. I know it isn't good for me, but I eat one meal a day, which is in the evening, and I have one snack a day. I drink all the water and diet pepsi I want, and that is all I have done to lose fifty lbs. It took me a while to figure out that hunger pains go away if you ignore them for a little bit. Only eat til you aren't hungry anymore, don't eat until you're full, or try to clean your plate. Little things like this helped me quite a bit.

  2. You should probably stay in the range of 1700-2100 calories. Counting calories can be successful if you stay in your range. You need to burn off more calories than you take in and you'll see results. There are still other things you can do though.

    -Avoid foods high in trans/saturated fats

    -Avoid foods high in added sugars

    -Watch your calorie intake

    -Drink plenty of water

    -Drink 100% fruit or vegetable juices

    -Exercise a few times a week such as going for walks

    -Instead of going to restaurants, try cooking at home with different cook books

    If you stay motivated and count your calories, you should see results.

    Also, you might want to consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor or a nutritionist.

  3. You need to figure out what your healthy weight range should be. You do not need to cut calories drastically because it can cause even bigger problems and leave you feeling horrible. It takes time for your body to adjust to limiting your intake of calories. To get an idea of how many calories you should take in, make a weight goals for yourself. Say you first want to get down to 190.00 pounds for your first goal. You would calculate that goal weight by 10.

    Example - 190 x 10 = 1900.00 calories that you should take in to reach that goal.

    I was skeptical at first but my goal weight is 125 so that would mean I would need to take in 1250 calories. I started watching what I ate and did not exceed this and I lost weight very quickly (over the course of two weeks). You can also eat fast food! You can go on-line to each resturant and look at their menu and nutritional guide. Just make sure that you are logging everything that you eat. It really wasn't as hard as I thought and I am a huge snack person. I went and bought granola and trail mix bars from Walmart and ate them when I was hungry...... don't forget, the need for water can feel like hunger pangs. Try to drink more water just to make sure that is not what you are feeling. I like to add crystal light (raspberry to be exact) to mine and it makes it taste so much better and I drink it really fast.

  4. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

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