
Have you had success with Google Adwords?

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Does anyone here use google adwords successfully? How much of an increase in traffic have you seen to your site? Any tips for someone who just signed up?




  1. Alright my man, let me break your questions down into numbers to make this easy:

    1. Yes I have. It took time and practice. I lost money before I could make money. I suggest you get some free learning - courtesy of Google - before diving in:

    Otherwise, hire a pro to do AdWords for you site.

    2. The increase in traffic is significant. But let me tell you a secret of using AdWords: traffic means nothing! Seriously...

    You use AdWords to reach buyers. I don't care If I get 1 visitor  or 100. I care about getting one sale or 100.

    And if you're asking yourself: "doesn't more traffic mean more sales?" No, more QUALIFIED TRAFFIC means more sales. AdWords is a tool for bringing qualified traffic to your site.

    3. If you just signed up I have two tips for you:

    a) If you're already doing well on certain organic keywords, start with these only.

    b) Spend a lot of time in keyword research. Use Google's own keyword tool for this. Here's a guide:

  2. I have been working with Google AdWords for years and my advice to you is monitor your campaign every day. The big reason for this is because there is no secret formula on a successful campaign. Every business is different.

    Be sure you set goals with your campaign. Some companies are only interested in traffic, while others are focused on conversions. These are very different goals and can also determine how much you can afford to spend on the keyword click.

    If you are looking just to start off and don't want to risk spending too much, go after long tail keywords first. For example rather then targeting the word "golf" go after a phrase like "cheap golf clubs". You obviously won't see as much traffic but the CPC will likely be less and the traffic you get will be much more relevant.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  3. Hello,

    Yes..I got good traffic with the Google Adwords.

    We can get good & fast traffic with google adwords, but organic is the basic for the website, if you are waiting for the conversations then Google Adwords is the best tool for the generate the conversations.

    So If you need for more information how to get good traffic through search engines just go through this link :



  4. Google AdWords can work very well, but you have to learn how to use the system.

    The AdWords help section is excellent, but never forget that it's written by Google!

    Andrew Goodman's Book: "Winning Results with Google AdWords" is a very good starting point.

  5. yes i success  with google adwords.My advertising cost is very cheap.I using secret technic to get more google adword credit for free.If you want to know how you can minimize your adword advertising cost.Check this website.

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