
Have you had the stomach flu ???????

by Guest57207  |  earlier

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If you have ever had gastroenteritis how long did it last?

& how many times did you throw up?

I am severely emetophobic I am always paranoid about getting sick/getting food poisoning..anything that would make me puke.I am perfectly fine with the squirts! just not the puke.

I had the "stomach bug" last year.

Started around 6 pm.

Had a grumbly tummy and though it was just going to be diarrhea.Boy was I wrong.

I ended up puking three times that night accompanied with runny #2 the same time.Which sucked because of course it made a fatigue was starting to set in.I wanted to die.

never really had nausea drank alot of water ate.

Made my way to bed.made a few trips that night to #2 and then all day the next day #2.

I guess I was lucky though because alot of people say they puked alot more.

has anybody tried herbs to prevent viral infections and it worked?

If i ever get it again I don't want to throw up.i don't care if i runny #2. i rather do that all week than puke once.




  1. I am so glad you asked this question! I am TERRIFIED of vomiting! I haven't thrown up in 9 years, knock on wood...HOWEVER, I am dating a divorced man with two children who are 5 and 2. They always, and I mean always have the stomach flu! And the violent one, at that. I have anxiety everytime they are sick when they stay with us (every Tues and EOW). I have even contemplated leaving my bf because I am so terrified of the fact that he has young kids who are always bringing home this bug. I have been dating him for 1 year and they have had it six times!!

    I am so scared of vomiting and I need help! I would love to talk to you sometime, for support!

    As far as remedies, I am always washing my hands and carrying hand sanitizing gel on me. I try and boost my immune system with a mutlivitamin, lots of fruits and vegetables, excercise and sleep. Its seems to be working because I haven't thrown up in forever! Thank God!

    I too, like you, would rather have the runs for a month straight then throw up!!

    I didn't know there was others out there that had this extreme fear as I do!!!

  2. Yes. Vomiting is my least favorite activity, as well. ("Emetophotic": Very creative) It's usually related to an attempt to control emotions, not infrequently loss, grief, betrayal and the like.

    Most cases can be treated with self-help homeopathy, with minimum symptom research. Here's a favorite online resource of my clients:

    Homeopathy also cures the susceptibility that underlies any recurrence. Remedies are available through grocery stores, or online. For most cases of food poisoning, a homeopathic remedy called Arsenicum album fits the symptoms. Remedies are FDA approved and natural, with no side effects.

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