
Have you had this happen to you?

by  |  earlier

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someone gets really mad at you...then you think about having them "taken care of", (its not a mafia thing, friends rifle) but then you actually get the chance for it to happen and you arent so sure what to do.

seriously, dont report this, i really want to know what you think about this. i know its pretty much the worst thing to do...but i dunno.




  1. it's your scruples and conscious telling you NO, DO NOT DO THAT, IT IS BAD BAD BAD. it's like you would loose either way, if you'd do it you'd be punished some way either by law or by being scorned some way in the community. if you'd get away with it, maybe you'd be sorry later on and regret it, after having dwelled on it for a time. but if it's revenge maybe some would say it'd be ok if you'd stick to eye for an eye etc.   but who's to say whats equal in retalliating. but still  NO!  

  2. You aren't sure? Then you really don't want them " TAKEN CARE OF"

    No one is going to report this, you really Don't want someone taken care of IF YOU ARENT SURE when the opportunity presents itself.

    You're normal or no one pissed you off that bad.

  3. Do you know what's going to happen if you have the opportunity to have them "taken care of" and you go through with it? You're going to hate yourself. They're dead, and their family is grieving. They're in a lot of pain. People who no reason to be in any pain because they did nothing bad to you. You're going to think "why did I take somebody's life? why didn't I just get over them being mad at me?" You're going to realize how completely pointless the whole thing was, because it won't make you feel any better that they're gone. It'll make you feel guilty and terrible that you're causing yourself and so many people so much pain. And then on top of that, you'll most likely go to prison, be raped, have a terrible life, and end up dying feeling like an a*****e because you are.

  4. i woud wonder are they really worth all the trouble and am i crazy enough to do this.

  5. No, it has never happened to me to actually have the means to carry it out. If I considered it, even for a brief moment, I would wonder what kind of human I was.

  6. Don't do it....not worth it.

  7. If you ever had those thoughts come to mind, than you need to tell your friend what there doing wrong.

    That way they never  REALLY GET TAKEN CARE OF

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