
Have you had to deal with much construction at your apartments?

by  |  earlier

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I have! They inspected it one year. I got yelled 'cause I hadn't shampooed my carpets enough. Then they went and painted it. They made me move my car. Now they are replacing our decks. I had one day to move all my stuff off. They said it would take 3 weeks. Then they said it would take three weeks more. Meanwhile, they screwed my satellite up and then the next day they brought their boombox for their own pleasure without considering any of our feelings. What do you think of that? What has it been like for you? How do you deal with it?




  1. I am in construction, and I can tell you, that you have a right to complain. The building should give you written notice at least a week in advance about anything going on. The boom box situation, throw it off the balcony! Also they can not tell you to shampoo the carpet! If I were you get the name of the company of the people working there and call your local building department and see if they are licensed. Then file a complaint with the better business bureau in you area. They are liable for any inconvenience they cause you. Good luck, and hope I was helpful!

  2. I've had construction on the balcony's of my building going on for nearly 6 months now, and the supers are constantly leaving notices for notice of entry to fix stuff inside for stuff we supposedly asked for.

    There should be a department of building and housing... maybe under a different name where you live, but basically there's people can call to ask if that's something you can rightly complain about- it should be- and they will tell you how to go about doing it.

    Look for land lord/tenant inquires.

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