
Have you had your colon cleansed (like in a spa)? or have you used colon cleansing pills? please tell me all

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about it. how did it feel and how much did you benefit from it? how much did it cost? how long does it take?




  1. I've done both.  Well not quite called a spa a hydro-therapist clinic.  The times I've gone to the clinic there were some good, high as a kite feelings then others when I felt bad.  I literally had to get off the table and throw up one time.  I did something I wasn't the night before the session.

    At home, I've done enemas, colon cleansing kits, chlorphyll liquids.  Some did an excellent job of cleaning but the type where you should not left the house but did.

  2. I wouldn't suggest doing a colonic, or e***a regularly, as it decreases the friendly bacteria in your colon.

    But I recently finished a whole body cleanse.  The morning formula was a body cleanse (liver, kidneys, blood, lympathic system), and the night formula was the colon cleanse.

    I didn't find it harsh, like some people claim colon cleanses to be.  I have chronic constipation (sorry for too much info), and it just made me have regular bowel movements about once a day.

    I would say I benefitted from it.  I took it to get all the old lingering medications out of my body (I was on a bcp for 4 years, and it didn't do good things to my body).  I found I had what felt like less estrogen in my body (I used to have major PMS, anxiety attacks, etc from the bcp).  And I found my nails are growing stronger.  Other than that, I don't see any other outward differences, but I'm sure there are many that occured.

    My cleanse was called CleanseSmart by Renew Life.  It cost around $25 and lasted for 30 days.  They say to get a good cleanse, take a cleanse program that is at least 30 days.  There are some quick cleanses that last 10-14 days, but the longer you're on it, the better.

    If you've never done a cleanse before and you are sensitive to natural laxatives or have a sensitive colon, then I would suggest you take FirstCleanse (by Renew Life).  It's for first-time or senstivie cleansers, only lasts 15 days, and doesn't have as many 'laxatives' in it.  I tried that cleanse first, but I didn't find it strong enough (because of the constipation).

    Hope this helps!

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