
Have you heard REV.Michael Pfleger speech?

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Along with Jesse Jackson this rev. Pfleger is another Rev. Wright, Even tho this new rv. is in Obama's church preeching , He knocks the white race, and he is white himself! something is wrong with this whole Obama thing, It is about race now, Mocking HIllary the way this rev Pfleger did is sickenig, And i'm still hoppeing that we all will wake up and ASK ourself who is Obama?




  1. Listen you can't change that church and yes they preach white hatred they won't change just because Obama's running for President-why would they?  See here's the bigger problem we have a man who like belongs to the black KKK and he's running for President and everyone is backing him this is the real problam.

  2. First........there is NO Rev.'s in the Christian Fath.

    They are call.....................RELIGION'S.

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  3. michael pfleger said nothing but the truth evreything he said is the trutth and it was funny too  but this is a country of ninnys who cry about everything that isnt nice and warm and soft and comforting and politicaly correct  (especially clinton suporters)... it doesnt matter if something is  true or not to this country if it isnt positive and happy its regarded total bs and bad and discusting and  inapropriate and everything else... and can noone say anything about anyone anymore without it being racist..i mean 2 white people cant even have a dispute without it being looked at at racist what kind of cartoon world of stupid people are we living in .. that is just retarded ...a white mans talking about a white *****... how racist???? ....

  4. Just another nobody trying to make a name and money for his self.  The worst thing are the low life losers that attend that church and can only believe what come from the pulpit.

  5. We've all seen the edited version of Pfleger's rousing speech, but have you seen the full uncensored, unedited version?

  6. What about that lunatic HAGEE?

    What about Pat Robertson?


    h**l ALL of these freaking religious zealots, they are all stark raving insane.

    Sad thing is that any presidential or congressional candidate must prove without any doubt that THEY believe in a little invisible friend or they have no chance to be elected in a country full of delusional psychotics.

    In many states it is in the state constitution that you must be delusional or you can not run for any state office.

    At one point or another all of these religious zealots have access to the white house as "spiritual advisers".

    You reap what you sow.

  7. Did you watch the same video I did?  I heard all the hooplah, so checked it out, but I don't see anything really offensive at all .  In fact, what the rev sez is pretty spot on in a certain way.

    Seems like grasping at straws on the part of people that do not like Obama for whatever reason.  You wanna argue that he lacks experience and has no concrete plans that can be identified, sure, that seems reasonable.  

    You wanna say some preacher is racist because he says a lot of whites do not recognize that they have benefited from institutional racism in the US, I would disagree.  And certainly I have seen much more offensive parody of Hillary on SNL and other shows than that little bit done by this Phleger guy.  What he said isn't offensive at all from my view.

  8. you are a moron... you talk about people that are preaching in Obamas church!! then say we need to think about who Obama is... Obama is not up there preaching stop trying to tie things other people say to Obama (lets not forget that Clintons Pastor is a child molester) ... who in this world is judged by what there people in the church say ?????

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