
Have you heard about a scam at home depot?

by  |  earlier

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two attractive women approached my car as i was loading stuff i bought in my car trunk.they started wiping the windshield with a rag and windex. after they finished, they refused my tip, but asked me if i would take them to another home depot parking lot in town. they both got in the back seat, and started undressing. one of them was all over me, while the other one stole my wallet.i didn't realize it until they were long gone. i've had my wallet stolen 3 more times after that. wallets were on sale at walmart for 2.99 each.




  1. Wow, that sucks  

  2. d**n, which hope depot is this.. ill go there myself

  3. oh well it was worth it

    shoulda tipped em lol

  4. HAHA!! :D Good one.

  5. Dear Penthouse Forums.....

    That's the only thing missing from this post.

  6. Hey, C.W.!


    Sounds like you've got a pretty good one going there!

    (And you said "in my younger days"... -hah!)

    Exactly HOW MANY wallets did you buy during this sale?  }:>

  7. Good one.  

  8. wait for next sale.

  9. omfg..noo! i never heard of!!!!!! d**n home depot..r u sure they were home depot workers though? were they on those suits or sumthin?  

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