
Have you heard about naples and its rubbish?

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  1. Of course...

    I think the problem is a combination of many factors, the main one being the outrageous level of institutional corruption and impotence of the local politicians, lawmakers and law enforcers. Also, it doesn't help the environmental health that such a densely populated area of the country (according to some, about 4 mln ppl live in Napoli and its hinterland) has little or no will to put in place measures for the recycling and "raccolta differenziata" of household waste.

    I was contemplating a solution, but the only viable one would be a strong, powerful intervention from the Army, which would take over from the Camorra infested infrastructures and literally CLEAN the city, but that would have its drawbacks too, for it would need to wage a "civil war" against locals (who don't want landfills) and criminals (who don't want anyone to interfere with their biz).

    Unfortunately it is a bad predicament, and it is very much in line with the neapolitan way of life, their philosophy of "Survival Napoli style", "L'arte di arrangiarsi", the precarious living under the shadow of a merciless mountain of fire that could end it all in a moment... their spirit of initiative, and defiance to whatever comes from the rule of law... that's what brings us great neapolitan artists, lyricists, poets and philosophers, but also great misery and disorder...

  2. It stinks!

    That is what happens if your refuse is (not) collected by the Mafia.........

    I cannot understand how they allowed this to happen.

  3. Yes, ages ok from a thing called a "newspaper" ;-)

    That's the way union action goes! (Or mafia action in this case).

  4. The latest thing is, people got sick of (and maybe sick FROM) all the rubbish blocking the streets, and have been taking to setting fire to the local accumulation.

    The fire brigade comes out to put out the fires before they catch onto buildings. People throw rocks at them to make them go away, as they want to be rid of the rubbish.

    Yesterday's Italian news showed  millions of tons of rubbish compacted into neat cubes and stacked up, covered with plastic sheets, like shipping containers. I didn't find out where, exactly, as I don't understand too much Italian.  But there was a lot of it, apparently waiting for someone to take charge and declare a DUMP where it can be buried.

    Even non-Mafia places have trouble finding garbage landfill sites. Only dictatorships have no trouble. Anywhere else is takes years or decades for permission, over the objections of  nearby residents.

    Here in Australia this is called NIMBY  (Not In My Back Yard)  and also affects power stations, sewage treatment works, transport terminals and schools for non-Christian migrant groups.

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