
Have you heard about school shooting in Illinois. Its amazing nobody killed. I know gun problem in USA, but?

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I never thought it would go to this extreme where someone would shoot in a school. I remember there was a shooting in 80's but this is really shocking

I feel so sorry for these kids




  1. keywob: go to South Africa. There are between 50-100 murders a day in that country.

  2. It was in N Illinois Uni, west of Chicago & gunman dead

    MANY others

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    why many school shootings


    1.Floridian: School shootings: Why now, not then?

    ... that the proper term now seems to have evolved into another school shooting. ... Many left school before they learned enough to compete in the world beyond the ... - 27k - Cached

    2.Why So Many School Shootings? at

    The killers on campus appear to be getting older in disturbing new trend... - 76k | Why? The big question in school shootings

    With another deadly shooting rampage in an educational institution, the question of 'why' arises. ... in workplace shootings and many domestic incidents, she ... - 51k - Cached

    4.School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    School shooting. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from School shootings) ... Since so many of the shooting have occurred in the USA, it has ... - 152k - Cached

    5.ABC News: Why the Spike in School Shootings?

    Most would agree that when it comes to children being killed at school, even one is too many. ... Related News. School Shooting Timeline. Amish Community Copes ... - 41k

    6.Why does school shooting occur? on Yedda - People. Sharing. Knowledge.

    Answer this question. Topics: school shootings # Posted on Jul 01, 2007. 143 ... many kids find it hard to have something productive to do after school... - 97k - Cached

    7.Ohio school shooter gave many warnings -

    ... the 14-year-old's shooting rampage at his Cleveland high school on Wednesday. ... See a timeline of recent school shootings " Don't Miss. Plain Dealer coverage ... - 71k - Cached

    8.Virginia Tech Massacre - Wikipedia

    ... article about the deadly Virginia Tech campus shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, in ... suicide, making it the deadliest school shooting ... - 215k - Cached

    9.School, mall and workplace shootings: Why so many? No, why so few? " Propeller

    Do No Evil – In the case of school shootings, it always seems to boil down to, ... Tags: crime, murder, school shootings, klebold and harris ... - 24k - Cached

    10.BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Teenage gunman kills nine in US

    US SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ... School shooting timeline ... Why are you doing this?' "Boom, boom, boom, and then no more screaming. ... - 44k - Cached

  3. your information is dated. 6 dead

  4. Why does this kind of thing seem to be happening more and more in the States than in any other country in the world?

  5. Do a web search on world homicide statistics, in all the US is not even in the top 10 per capita.

    Interpol Released statistics a while back but can't find them right now.

    That last answer is correct Africa had the highest countries per capita.

    This is a criminal problem not a gun problem. Control the criminals and you control crime.

    And schools could be a bit more proactive instead of reactive about security.

    I doubt that no one can say they did not see this coming, in almost all cases, it comes out later that someone knew the person was possible homicidal.

    You also said no one killed, well 17 wounded. 3 of which are critical, and the gunman committed suicide. Not to amazing to me.  Sounds more like tragic would describe it better.

    Added: You're right it is easier to kill people with a gun then a knife.  It is also easier to kill people with a vehicle or explosives then a gun.

    If someone is bent on killing they will find a way.  Does it not make sense to focus on who and why people become homicidal then try and penalize the 99% of gun owners that are nomal law abiding citizens?

  6. im sorry but you need to catch up, there was a shooting in virgina tech everybody knows about that went on last year. the news was nation wide, anyways even though nobody got killed, its still sad, one of the students that happens to be a girl got shot in the eye, imagine what shess going through, so yeah just because nobody got killed dont mean its still all good, they can heal from their injuries, but some injuries are sticking with them for life..


    turns out 6 are dead from the shooting. i have a feeling more will die from their injuries laying in the hospital..when the news came out about the shooting, everybody was alive, each of them are losing blood as i type right now, 4 o clock pacific time was when the news on yahoo said that everybody was just injured, one dead which was the shoorter. an hour after that, it turns out four died due to lost of blood 5 including the shooter, now 2 hours later another victim died which makes 6 as of now..imagine how many in the next 24 prayers goes to the families.

  7. it has happened a few times before. like teenagers carrying knives around and stabbing people

  8. i live in chicago so u cant imagine how scared n shocked i wuz.

    u know he couldve easily picked to come somewhere over here i dont know but i wuz so shocked n on the verge of tears.

    i never in my dreams tought dat wouldve happened near me.

    but itz like i live in the ghetto n if u notice dat all the shootings take place at the white skools. not being racist or anything its just cuz ppl who are stereotype alwayz think the ghetto are dangerous n if your skin color is different your already dangerous not everybody sees it dat way but like i bet u 95%

    of white ppl think that like if u come into the ghetto all u see african americans n latinos. becuz like us were open about it

    we know were aggressive n violent u know. n u know everyone thinks white ppl here in america are lilttle angels n security at white schools is lacked.  at our schools we have metal detectors n if we beep they practically stripp u.

    but yea theres fights at our schools everyday becase we confront ppl we just dont surprise them out of nowheere n shoot innocent ppl. yea ppl in the ghetto get shot a lot but theres alwayz a reason for that. but like i said the white schools lack at security. at our school a gun wouldve never came in n it never has not even a knife. but i tell u stereotype has a big thing to do with all this shootings. like niu that kid wuz such a nice person n white n i dont know what else. n bam he surprises everyone with that. n at virginia tech

    it wuz a quiet lil chinese kid. he would never do anything!!!!

    n what do u know he has the biggest skool shooting in us history.

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