
Have you heard about the crimes commited on Cruise Ships? Is this common?

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A while ago I saw an in-depth TV special about people disappearing on Cruise Ships. They are never investigated properly since when a ship is at sea they are in other terrotories outside the US. Bodies, many bodies go missing.

They speculate since the Cruise Lines hire lots of peoples from depressed countries they get some criminals. They rob a person alone on deck and dump them overboard, or rape them and throw them into the sea.

If no one is around and no one sees How can they be brought to justice? Many times the others workers dont tell on each other.

I am going on a cruise and this now disturbs me.

How do you feel about it?




  1. I would toss all those thoughts aside.  You hear of the bad occasion (singular not plural) recently and then old ones are brought back up.  Just like any sensational crime is compared to others.

    Cruise ships are save.  Act responsibly and excerise routine caution and you will have the time of your life.  Now - should you get sooooo drunk that you believe you can walk the handrails around the side of the ship ---- then be preapred to fall overboard.  Otherwise you're gonna be fine.

    Wish I was already packing for my next cruise!   Have fun.

  2. i have been on 4 cruises. my mom has been on at least 12. we've always been fine. there is crime and violence everywhere, there are bad people everywhere. why would you be any safer on the ship than alone on the street at night? i say use your common sense and stay as safe as you would in any new situation, don't throw caution to the wind just because you're on vacation. but also don't let it worry you sick.

  3. when you are 3 miles away from shore you are in international waters, which means anything goes, if u want to go on a cruise don't go alone and have a system to watch out for each other

  4. I believe this does happen (and happens not on cruises too)  but it's rare on a boat.  I think there was a recent occurrence with a honeymooning couple that got lots of media attention...that may have been the highlight of the show you saw.  

    I went on a cruise last year and the thought didn't cross my mind.  Maybe it would have if I was travelling alone but my husband and I were together almost the entire time.

    Have fun.  Bad things happen everywhere. I think you always need to be alert and semi-careful, no matter where you are.

  5. Gee i wouldn't go on those Cruise ships  sounds real spooky!! I haven't heard that of Australia   but a lady in Australia was given date drug & she died its under investagation this year but it happened 4 yrs back & we only found out this year

    the cruise ship has cleaned its act up & has stopped the drugs etc & wild parties they say.

    the poor lady who died was not a willing party

    she had her family & kids on board to I think

  6. I live here in South Florida, cruise capital of the world. There is not a week that goes by where you don't hear about some crime committed, or someone missing from a cruise ship.

    Now, personally, I think your odds are better on a cruise ship than walking in downtown Miami at midnight. If you think about all the millions of people who take cruises each year, it's a relatively small few who wind up dead or missing.

    So, enjoy that cruise!

  7. A cruise ship is like any small city, there will be crime however it isn't really any worse then you will find anywhere else.  The problem on the ships is that people tend to put their guard down while on vacation and forget common sense then they set themselves up for bad things to happen.

  8. This is simply sensationalism on the part of the media. Crime is exceptionally low onboard cruise ships and rape and robbery or any other crimes by the crew on passengers is almost unknown and in the .000000001% Those that have 'disappeared' usually do so while off the ship of because they jumped or fell from the ship while doing something stupid and drunk. Security is fairly tight and there are camera's everywhere. The crew does have a background check done and most are from the upper class of their countries and well educated. Plus a job on a ship is highly prized and they are not about to squander it on something silly. You are safer on a cruise ship than in your own home statistacally.

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