
Have you heard about the new gas strike going around the internet?

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This one is really cool because it will work and its simple all you do is stop buying gas from either Exon or Mobil if everyone in the country does this it will force the gas companies into a gas war and prices will plummet the old strike would never work because you had to have gas to exist but with this strike we will have the 2 biggest suppliers of oil and gas down on their hands and knees and it will force them to lower prices dont even buy their oil in the stores do you think it will work? The petition circulating around the net says to email it to 10 people and almost overnight we can have them just where we want them do you agree?




  1. People will talk a good fight, and there are DOZENS of web sites and chat rooms suggesting some sort of boycott or protest, but it will never happen because you can't get a significant number of people to agree on anything anymore, let alone follow through with positive action.  

    There's a major Presidential election coming up in November, and EVERY Congress Critter is up for re-election.  My suggestion is to start writing letters, and making phone calls and sending e-mails, and do everything you can to let your Congressman know that you are not happy with current fuel prices, and you expect HIM/HER to DO SOMETHING about it!

  2. a boycott like this would only hurt the gas station.they make very little on gas and mostly make on store items. remember the station has already paid for the fuel in their tanks. and if they do'nt buy from the big gas supplier. the it will be bought by some other company or other countries.besides this is a really old ides that has been around a long time. check out this link.

  3. Omg that is so old. It won't work because exon and mobile sell gas to many gas stations. There aren't any exon or mobile gas stations within 25 miles of where I live. Around here the one that is controlling the gas prices is speedway. They are the first to change their prices and then everyone else follows suit and all the other gas stations base their prices on speedway.

  4. I have read the same e-mail for years.  Will never work.

    Here is the only control I have.  I choose where I spend my money.  I spend my money at the station that has the lowest prices.  I reward that business with my business.  If all the consumers followed this practice, the high priced stations would either lower their prices or go out of business.  The other power we posses is the amount of gas we consume.  If we all take measures to reduce our fuel usage, we buy less fuel less often.  I am keenly aware every driver NEEDS a certain amount of fuel each week.  I drive 150 miles a week for work purposes.  Van gets 18 mpg.  Gas is now $3.25 a gallon.  I use 8.5 gallons of gas which translates to $28 for my weekly commute.  If I drive a little slower I may see 19 mpg.  That saves me about $2 at the pump.  Weather permitting I have been riding my motorcycle since the beginning of March.  Bike gets around 35 mpg.  That will save me about $14 each week.  Do the math folks like I did.  It puts into perspective the true costs of travel.  Can be very sobering.  That is one reason I reward stations that offer the lowest price for fuel.  This is the only real control us consumers have on the price of fuel.

    Good Luck to all.

  5. i agree, i think it would work, it's just a matter of getting everyone to do it

  6. I don't think that it will work. They and bush will just find another way to s***w us. What we need is to get rid of oil period and find something else.

  7. Yes, it has to absolutely work. If people would only do it. But I seriously doubt it. People are too concerned with their own lives to do it.

  8. There have been thousands of different style gas strikes that have been started on the internet. They never work because people never follow through. I think what more people need to do is get into alternative fuels. Buy more fuel efficient vehicles, car pool. Bicycle, scooter, motorcycle.

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