
Have you heard about the persecution of Falun Gong? What can be done to stop it?

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If you have not heard or need a refresher on information about the persecution of Falun Gong, please visit this link:

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  1. Eliminate the totalitarian government in China. Good luck to you.

  2. From the looks of things, nothing short of regime change in China will be able to stop the persecution.  That, of course, would take an invasion.  

    In short, they're screwed.  They need to get out of China as soon as possible, or take up arms and revolt.

  3. What do you suggest be done?  And who should do it?

  4. I have heard about the persecution, it's very evil.  They are killing practioners for their organs and making a profit.

    I think what can be done is that people wake up to the fact that Falun Dafa is peaceful and the Chinese Communist Party is evil.  When more people know the truth they will no longer be deceived.

  5. I totally disagree with the brutality directed against Falun Gong

    How-ever,they should not be allowed to spread their religious poison amongst the Chinese population.I believe everyone has the right to practice their religion in their own homes,but not to ram it down other peoples throats.The Falun Gong is an American-backed organization,so the Chinese Government probably sees it as a political threat.That,of course,does not justify brutality.

  6. Let them deal with it themselves. It's not my problem.

  7. yes, I know the persecution is very terrible and have been more then 9 years.

    We should support FalunGong from all around the world, We should against CCP

  8. Yes, I have been watching Falun Gong protesters on the street outside of the Chinese consulate for over 9 years. I thought they were a bit strange at first, but after 9 years I have grown to respect for them. They are out there day and night winter and summer and have always remained peaceful. I was confused at first because of all the negative c**p the communist regime says about them, but in my eyes actions speak louder than words.

    It is a known fact that in China freedom of belief is non-existent and the only religions or spiritual practices that are allowed are those who place the communist ideology over their belief in god. You only have to look at the past year to realize how insecure and irrational the communist regime is. They have targeted everyone that tries to expose their mistakes or crimes including the Dalai Lama who won the Nobel Peace Prize! The reality is the communist regime is responsible for terrible crimes against humanity and they will try everything to hide this.

    I then saw a release from Amnesty International and everything that the communist regime has been saying made sense to me. In 2006 Amnesty International raised concerns that, “the official campaign of public vilification of Falun Gong in the official Chinese press has created a climate of hatred against Falun Gong practitioners, which may be encouraging acts of violence against them.” This hatred is being used by the communist regime to shift focus away from their crimes and onto the victim as being deserving of abuse.

    My study of genocides around the world showed me that hate is the #1 weapon in every genocide campaign and what dictators have used for decades to hide their crimes and cast doubt onto the victims. It is actually brilliant in an extreme evil way.

    I think Human Rights Watch summed it up for me the best: “ Falun Gong members are peaceful, law-abiding citizens, and there is no excuse for the human rights violations they have endured. The charge that Falun Gong threatens the stability of China does not hold up. Its claim that belief in Falun Gong is a public health menace is equally bogus. The danger to health comes from the treatment its practitioners receive at the hands of the police and prison officials."

    More power to Falun Gong for trying to raise awareness to help save the lives of those who cant speak for themselves. I just hope that if I ever got into trouble that there would be someone with that kind of conviction and perseverance to help save me!

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