
Have you heard about the political disaster in the UK?

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Somebody has stolen the leader of the oppositions bicycle.

how do you think we the UK citizens should handle this?




  1. Door to door manhunt. When the perpetrator is found, they should be executed.

  2. ROFLMAO, Thanks for the laugh. If you catch him make him ride a bike with out any seat just the seat post.

  3. u shoud go for a major search and get that guilty on televison ..

  4. First look at The New Labour Party then the others. It  will be returned soon anyway  as the person may feel guilt for having stolen it. Private schools for children of politicians a place to look also. Another thing would be to create a line of Green Power Bicycles named after the politician then call forth the thief to advertise the new line. Then present the first of the series in the line to motorists free. The next batch should then be sold with the proviso that for a certain amount of pedalling you get a percentage of the price. Then put devices like those which measure how much water a person uses on the bike to determine people live up to their deal.

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