
Have you heard about the suspicious deaths of 24 US scientists?

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Here a link to the original article:

OVER THE PAST SEVEN YEARS, more than two dozen of the world’s most esteemed microbiologists—all of whom were focused on combating bioterrorism—have died under questionable circumstances.

One was stabbed with a sword, another run over by a car, while a third was bashed over the head until dead. A scientist was found with repeated stab wounds to the chest; another was shoved under a chair (naked from the waist down); one perished in a nitrogen-filled airlock; another was carjacked, with his keys still in the ignition and a full tank of gas.

None of these men died of natural causes. Their murders were deliberate, and it’s sending a clear message to virus experts, immunologists, entomologists, and those researching bio-weaponry: your lives are in grave danger.




  1. It is true, despite the fact that American Free Press is not reliable. It has been reported by numerous other sources as well, including Michael Ruppert in "Crossing the Rubicon."

  2. Scary thought, maybe they shouldn't allow germs and viruses to be used or tested period, then maybe we wouldn't have that fear, you say they are in trouble, I think a lot of people are in trouble if they don't put a stop to it.

  3. I wouldn't believe anything I read on that website. The story has not been fact checked. The first paragraph contradicts his own headline of "suspicious death of 24 scientists" by saying "more than two dozen". Two dozen is 24 is not more than 24. If his first paragraph contains errors, how can you believe any of the story?

  4. are they all amtrak related.

  5. Really.

    I'm going to check it out.

    If it's bolex, then may you have a minor inconvenience visited upon you.

  6. a  bit like  the  Kennedy  assinations.  Anyone  who  was  in  the  vacinity  was  quietly  'eliminated'.  I  suppose  this  is  what  happens  when  you  get  too   smart.

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