
Have you heard about this Dispatches program?

by Guest59208  |  earlier

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It claims to show female preachers in a London mosque telling the sheep to kill anyone who is homosexual or converts against Islam.

Is this a view held at your mosque? Are these views Haraam during Ramadam?




  1. hi ,as a reverted muslim i find these tv prog quite offensive it seems that all they want to do is give us muslims a bad name and on the first night of ramadan too .its clear what they want people to think surely there are enough problems so why do the media want to add to it. has there been a prog called undercover church ? i doubt it .its mostly about givin muslims a bad name and its not fair .....

  2. all they show on tv about islam nowadays is pure bullsh*t

    saudi's are mentally ill, they need help asap

  3. When I see articles such as these it never fails to make me wonder why so many Muslims say non-Muslims don't understand the religion of Islam and why it is bashed so much.  These same Muslims will blame non-Muslims for spreading lies about the religion when the only ones to blame are the Muslims themselves for following such ludicrous rules.  I know this is backed by Saudi which most Muslims will say are more about culture than Islam, but if they are being taught this c**p by Imams or religious leaders then it still falls under the the title of Islam.  I'm sure there are many, many Muslims who disagree with these teachings, but until they stop Islam is going to continue to get a bad rap.

  4. have heard about it, but only from people saying about the adverts for it.  Will i watch it, no. try to stay clear of the TV.  And as for the negative stuff, instead of worrying about that, get out there show islam in its positive light - smile - be good citizens - help others. cover negative blot it out with the real deen

  5. FOOLS.

    People are fools, this is a set up to undermine Islam and we are the bigger fools to act upon it

  6. Yeah I heard of that.

    I'll probably watch it but its a shame that they decide to show it on the first day of Ramadan.

    I think nowadays, as Muslims, we have to be careful what we say because you never know if there is an undercover weirdos listening in on your conversations.

    Trust no one.

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