
Have you heard about this homeschooled kid?

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  1. That's awesome - thanks for sharing!

    My 10yo is studying electronics right now and is interested in engineering and physics...I think I'll show him this!

  2. yes

  3. wow, that is fantastic.  what a great example for our kids :)

    (aside- I love how someone is bothered enough about our kids hsing to troll all the answers and give a thumbs down lol)

  4. No, until you posted this.  Thanks.  Seeing this kind of stuff sure puts to bed the occasional notion that homeschoolers are somehow "deprived".

    What do you think he'll do when he grows up?

  5. no


    but that is pretttty interesting

  6. Very interesting, the kid is a genius and he enjoys what he is doing. He will more than likely make a huge contribution to mankind.

  7. wow, I have for the most part, until the last couple of years thought that kids missed out on a lot if they were home schooled. I have a 3 year old and am considering home schooling her. I worry that I wouldn't be able to teach her as well as public school.

  8. Simply amazing!  Thanks for the good news!

  9. That's cool and all, but just as we shouldn't judge the whole of Christianity by the Westboro Baptist Church, neither should we conclude from this that Christian home-schooling is a good thing.

    (((Hit Pig!!)))

  10. Had he been in public school he would have to much "home work" from them to even be able to have time to build something like that , much less even think of it !! Peer pressures and public school foolishness....would have held him back (my opinion anyway)

    Goes to show ya...Homeschoolers can learn ANYTHING THEY WANT and are NOT LIMITED to the public school Bias , curiculum !!!


  11. I wonder how much brown coal had to be burned to produce the electricity to run that truck?

    I'm with (((ZILLA))) on this one

  12. It goes to show you that he hasn't been tainted with all the garbage that the public schools are mandated to teach.

    He is more focused.

  13. My kids are grown, but I can say this, I had my kids in public school and Christian school when they were young, and I would never put them in a public school ever again. NEver. You cant beieve the stuff they teach these kids.  NO WAY.

    Christian schools are much better, but you still have many issues there as many put their rebellious kids into Christian schools to straighten them up. ITs a huge problem.

    If I had it to do all over again, I would ONLY home school my kids PPl say well we overprotect them. WELL GOOD.  At least let them grow up with truth, morals, values, ethics, and a true belief in God. and then by the time they hit the world, they will know more how to deal with it.  If we let them in schools at age  5 and the stuff begins to get pumped into them early on, by the time they are  13, those kids dont know what they think about anything.  I would never put any child in any school system ever again, only HOME SCHOOLING.  I have seen it work and not work.  IT depends on the parents who do it, and it is a wonderful thing when done correctly.

    Great question.

  14. According to statistics they have been many very influential people that were homeschooled.

    I homeschool my child as well. He loves it.

  15. It goes to show us that  a child's mind will take them as far as they are encouraged to go. It seems that his motivation is one that can take him far in life and I bet not only is he very well taught at home but he is  very well loved. That is why I will bet you his parents are proud as peacocks to see their child using what he was taught to do things that most adults do not even dare to dream or try.  Thanks Thrice!!  It was awesome!!

  16. Awesome!

    I love hearing stories like this.  When Tim Tebow (who was homeschooled through high school) won the Heismann Trophy, I was jumping for joy!

    Their accomplishments fly in the face of all of the negative stereotypes about homeschooling.

    Here's a list of famous homeschoolers:

  17. No. Thank you. I showed it to my daughter. She was thrilled.

    EDIT: The downers are no doubt the AM folks from R&S. They flag the Q's and A's of certain people from the R&S section that they feel are, "Christian Propagandists". Then they follow them around YA and harrass them, because that is a GREAT way to make a point.


  18. Thanks for sharing!  Good for him!!

  19. Awesome!

    It's great when homeschooled kids excel like this one has!  I know kids are capable of so much more than they are allowed to learn in the public schools.

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