
Have you heard of 2 differtent ways to prevent mares coming into season?

by  |  earlier

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1) some kind of implant?

2) putting in a marble




  1. The most effective thing they use at our vet's office (other than a spay....the obvious permanent solution) is to put the mare on a daily dose of regumate.  Works fine usually.  They will insert marbles if the owner insists, but they aren't happy with the success rate (somewhere less than 40%).

  2. those things act as a IUD, to prevent pregnancy.  supposedly, the old fashioned camel owners in camel caravans used a peach(?) pit to do the same.  Talk to your vet about a hormone injection to prevent coming into season.  there may be one out there.

  3. These are really the same thing - the theory behind birth control using an intra-uterine device (IUD) is that the womb thinks it's pregnant and modifies the menses cycle.

    The vet could put in an implant (safe, sterile, relatively few side effects) or some stable hand could insert a marble or other foreign object into the uterus.  It's supposedly a recent revival of an old practice that's about 50% effective.

    There are other methods:  Progesterone injections or progesterone seeds placed under the skin of the mare.  And spaying, which is now done by cutting off the blood supply to the ovaries.

  4. i am not a vet but i suggest you get your mares spayed if you dont want to breed with her consult your vet she/he knows whats best

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