
Have you heard of Agnes J. Thomas, Animal Telepathic Communicator Pet Psychic?

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i dont think she is for real.. what do you guys think.. has anyone here ever had an experience with her? just wondering.. thank for your help..




  1. Of all the psychics,the pet whisperers are the silliest.Not so silly they can't get rich fooling people.I can communicate with my dog pretty well.She even laughs at the idea.

  2. I have never heard of her, but I have seen other pet psychics.  They are just another breed of hucksters out to part a fool from his money.

  3. I think its a lot easier to con a dog or a cat than a person. Am I reading my dogs mind when I know she wants to go outside, or when she is hungery? How do pet owners know if she is right? Is she really telling them anything a veterinarian couldn't tell them?

    Pet psychic is just silly.

    I think she simply flunked out of vet school and had to think of some other way to make money with what she learned.

  4. As if regular psychics aren't hokey enough, pet psychics take it a step further into absurdity.

  5. It would probably be difficult to design an experimental test in order to validate the claims of a pet psychic but maybe not impossible.

    In any event if you want to read the actual scientific research literature on experiments with animals and possible psychic powers I suggest the biologist Rupert Sheldrake (link below).

    For an amazing read about Animals try Temple Grandin's book "Animals in Translation" (link below)

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