
Have you heard of a man who has changed his last name to his wifes last name?

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in my culture (traditional european culture) the female takes the males last name when married. Is there a man anywhere who has taken the females last in marriage? do you know of someone or heard of this before?




  1. ex took his ex wifes name. its more common than you think  

  2. No, it sounds like one of them guys who wants to wear dresses.

  3. No I have never heard of it happening, the only time I have heard of a man taking some one else's name was in a g*y marriage

  4. I went to basic training with a man who was in the process of changing his name to his fiances. Up until that point I had never heard of it happening, and ever since then I havent heard of it since. I dont think theres anything wrong with it, I really dont have any feelings about it either.

  5. Yes, I knew a guy who did this and he never lived it down.

  6. I have a Japanese friend who told me it's traditional in her country if there are no sons to carry on a family name.

    She and her sister were the last two of their family line. Rather than let the name die out, her husband took her name when they married. That way their children would carry on the name.

  7. Of course, men should do it more often. :)

  8. i know a guy that took her last name, legally,  as his middle name.

  9. I really wish I would have considered that before I changed mine!!

  10. no, no.. that's where I draw the line!  

  11. Yes! About 15 years ago a young woman I knew married a man  who changed his last name to hers. She was one of 4 children - all girls- and wanted to keep her name. Rather than have 2 different last names, as some couples do now, he took hers. He was one of several sons in his family, so while his parents thought it was odd they really didn't object. It was very unusual back then. They are still very happily married but never had children.

  12. I heard about a man doing this...

    He was marrying someone who didn't have other siblings I believe, and he did it to give her parents an heir with their name, since there was only girls in her generation, so no men to carry on the family name. It completly suprised the woman's family, since they didn't expect that at all, but were really glad.  

  13. I saw a story on this awhile back on the news. I can't remember the details, but I do remember that their last names were similar.  

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