
Have you heard of anything called aspratain in soda??

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My friend says that there is something she heard about called aspratain (im not sure how you spell it) that kills brain cells. have you heard about this or know anything about it??




  1. It is called aspartame.  Try googling the name sometime and you will not want to drink anything that contains this product.

  2. Yes. Its an alternative sweetener the equivalent to sugar. Its usually in diet soda, so they can call it "sugar free". Aspartame is known to cause not only killing of brain cells, but cancer. When buying soda, look on the label and don't buy anything with this in it, go for sodas sweetened with Splenda.

  3. it's spelled aspartame - now that you have the correct spelling you can google it and yes it is bad for you. it upsets my stomach.

  4. yes, no it can't technically kill brain cells, that's one of the things scientists were worried about. it have been a controversy for awhile, but i don't think it can REALLY BADLY harm you.

    read the articles below ... you'll learn a lot about it  

  5. It is aspartame. It is only in some diet drinks. It is an artificial sweetener. Equal and NutraSweet are name brands of this particular artificial sweetener.

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